Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fancy Video Got me Thinking...

I watched a video online today

OK, that’s something I do quite a bit,
So what was so special about this one?

It was done by a couple of big name, Big Dogs
(you may have even seen it)

In the opening scene, they spoke about the hotel
Mr. Biggest was using to shoot videos, etc. and why.
Impressive scenery, nice rooms, great pool…

All rented for a price so the shots will look good.

Nothing wrong with that…it’s called MARKETING

But I started to think…

How many people get drawn in because of the scenery,
the pool, the cars, the websites, etc.

How many hook their cherished dreams to a rented set?

Do the nice settings and fancy cars work?

Of course. That’s why marketers use them!

And like I said……there’s nothing wrong with that.

What IS wrong is leading honest, hardworking people
to believe that it’s “EASY”

That they can be “IN THE MONEY” or have
a “MASSIVE DOWNLINE” if they would just
fork over the cost of the “latest greatest system”.


Does Network Marketing work?


It’s the best industry out there!!!


Can you have lasting, honest success without effort?

Sorry, doesn’t happen.
(Ask anyone who makes $2500/month or more residually)

There is no magic system, no plug and play, no turn key…

If you want to make it happen,
You’re going to HAVE to put in some effort.

Effort in learning your company and its pay plan.

Effort in practicing your presentation over and over (and over).

Effort in training.

Effort in THINKING.

Effort in DAILY activity
(and no, that doesn’t mean sitting on Facebook and Twitter all day)

It takes more effort than money. Many highly successful
people started with nothing, but put forth the effort...
and ALL highly successful people have done the necessary
training, learning, and daily activities.

You CAN build an honest business.

You CAN build a stable business.

You CAN be here in 10 years!!

You CAN make it happen

It just depends on how badly YOU want it.

The question is.......

Will you get up and DO it??

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I have seen this video several times,
but today I was reminded of it again.

I get fired up every time I hear this
well known Art Williams speech!!

Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Non-Renewable Resource

Renewable resources. We hear it everywhere. We see it wherever we look. “Go green…” they say. We’re all talking about “carbon footprints” and “global warming” and “eco-friendly” and “recycled” this and “recycled” that.

But few are those who stand at their podiums talking about
the most precious of all resources.

One we all have.

The one that is NOT renewable…


Some food for thought from a 200+ year-old book:

I stopped my horse…where a great number of people were collected at an auction of merchant’s goods. The hour of the sale not being come, they were conversing on the badness of the times; and one of the company called to a plain, clean, old man, with white locks, “pray, father Abraham, what think you of the times? Will not those heavy taxes quite ruin the country? How shall we ever be able to pay them? What would you advise us to do?”

Sounds a lot like us today, doesn’t it? Standing around, waiting for what we hope to get, complaining amongst ourselves about the government, taxes, high prices, our upline, our downline (or lack thereof), etc.

The old man stood up and replied…

“If you would have my advices…the taxes are, indeed, very heavy, and if those laid on by the government were the only ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them; but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly; and from these taxes the commissioners cannot ease or deliver us…”

He goes on to say that idleness “taxes” us much more than our government by wasting our time and laziness eats away at us like rust. That if we love life, that we should not squander time, because that’s “the stuff life is made of.” And if time is the most precious of all things, then not using what’s given us must be the greatest waste of all. For “lost time is never found again…”

What has this to do with our businesses and us?


Spend time calling leads…or talking/complaining with friends?

Spend time educating yourself on the industry…or watching your favorite TV show?

Spend time applying what you’ve learned…or thinking about it?

I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

When I “don’t feel like” doing what I know I need to do…

When I labor at something trying to “get it right” when I’ve never even done it before…

When fear or frustration wants to stop me dead in my tracks…

I remember that TIME it the one resource I have that is

Use YOUR time wisely and make it a great day!!


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By the way…the story above can be found in Ben Franklin’s
"The Way to Wealth"…great little book!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Tough Questions

One of the best conversations I had with one of my mentors
was the day she got on my case a bit...

Honestly, I needed it!!

As a result, I asked myself some tough questions…

Am I doing as much as I can to put myself out there?

Can I be seen and heard above the rest?

If not…why not?

What can I do differently or more of?

Was I doing something on a daily basis?

Honest questions.

They deserved honest answers.

I knew I could do more to
make my voice heard!

I didn’t have all the answers yet,
but I knew I wouldn’t find them by waiting
for them to "arrive" on my doorstep.


I could hear one of my other mentor's voices
saying, "you don't have to get it right,
you just have to get it going!"


I am obligated to share what I know about
this industry…about the practical stuff
that makes a difference.

And what I have learned, I’ll share.


What’s keeping you from the success you want?

What is your “excuse of the day”?

What causes you to "shut down"?

What do you think you need to move forward?

Ask yourself the tough questions. (there are others)

Be honest with yourself.

Then DO something about it!

I did!!!

To your future,



P.S. Don’t know where to start?
Call me or email me at Cathie@cathieheath.com
I'm happy to help you.

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