Thursday, December 31, 2009


The END of the year...

The END of the decade...


NO MORE pussy-footing around
(that's for sissies, anyway)

Are YOU ready to get serious?

"Oh, but Cathie...I've read all the books..."

So, you have ALL the information you need...good for you!

"Really, Cathie...I have a dynamite new system that
does all the work for me..."


No one is able to create a SUSTAINABLE
residual income that way!!
(except the guy who owns the system, that is)


Another year is beginning


How many more are YOU going to let slide by while you
keep doing the same things over and over??

Haven't you realized the "secret" yet?

That NOTHING is going to CHANGE
until YOU DO?????


Are you REALLY serious??

I mean really ready-to-commit-to-yourself serious????

Then, and only then...
listen to this audio

Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!!



Proud member of The Million Mind March

ext. 10
24/7 Recorded Message

Get the booklet and CD package at The Million Mind March
(just pay shipping and handling), email me the receipt,
( and I'll send you a bonus
booklet FREE as my gift!

P.S. & BTW...tell Joe that I sent you (wink)

P.P.S. & Holy Cow! Diane Hochman is throwing in a
bonus CD on How To be 10 Foot Tall and Bullet Proof
if you order yours this week! Just put "Bonus CD" along
with my name in the comment box.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Joe's Wisdom Seed

You are not what you think you think you think you are.

What you are, what we all are, is what we secretly
beleive we are, can do and "be."

The "greats" where un-consciously CONSCIOUS of
their greatness and took immense action.

It's about convincing the that little
man who lives inside of your head

You know, that little fellow who steps into
the shower with you and thinks thoughts FOR you

It's about convincing the you inside of you
that what you say about you do about

We are not what we think we are

What we are is who we subconsciously believe

People talk a great game. But that is not really them.

People tell tale tales. But now we know the whole truth.

Just for 6 days. Actually DO as you THINK and THOUGHT
you said you would inside of your head.

Guess what

Everyone is voting for you.

Especially that little fellow deep, deep, inside
of your head.

Thank you, Joe Schroeder!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Earl Nightengale, co-founder of Nightengale-Conant,
recorded "The Strangest Secret" over 50 years ago.

Ben Franklin? He was writing his stuff 200 years ago

And the wisdom of King Solomon dates back over 3,000 years!

The point?

Wisdom is timeless.

Without wisdom, you're spinning your wheels. Real
success finds the wise.

"Therefore, get wisdom."

Feed your mind...join a mastermind group where you can
learn and grow and BE.

"He who walks with the wise, grows wise."

You are welcome to join us. We are a growing group of
doers...Soldiers of Prosperity...Good News Merchants.

We have buried the words "I can't" and walk together as one.

We are teachers of wisdom and Citizens of Mankind.

We are made up of truck drivers, doctors, housewives,
business owners, store clerks, nannies and janitors.

We are 12...we are over 60.

We are Ten Feet Tall and Bullet Proof.

We are The Million Mind March.

And we believe:

Change your mind...
Change your income...
Change your LIFE!
(we're changing the world!)

24/7 Recorded Message
800-772-9781 ext. 10

One last thing...if you'd like a free booklet (my gift to you) just let me know.


Friday, December 4, 2009

It's Only ONE DAY, Right?

We hear these all the time...
Everywhere we go...
We've even said them!

"That little bit won't make a difference."

"It'll be faster/easier if I just do the minimum."

“I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”

After all, what’s ONE DAY, anyway??

One day…24 hours…1440 minutes…86,400 seconds

Only ONE DAY, right?

Not a big deal...or is it??

When John Maxwell was at the Seagate Center in Toledo, Ohio
this May promoting his book, Put Your Dream to the Test
I had the opportunity to speak with him privately...

...and I thanked him for "proving me right" at the end
of the seminar by recommending his book, Today Matters.
It's not only one of my all time favorites, but is THE Maxwell
book I consider a MUST read and have given/recommended
to friends and associates. (it's not the one he signed for me,
but that's a story for another day LOL)

Turns out, in all his "stuff", as he calls it, it's one of his personal
favorites, too, and away from "the maddenin' crowd", we had quite
a nice conversation about it.

In the early pages of the book, you'll find these words:

"The way you live today impacts your tomorrow."

Something to think about...
and worth repeating...

"The way you live today impacts your tomorrow."

How many times have you taken a short cut or neglected something
because it was...
· too hard
· too tedious
· too lengthy
· too __fill in the blank__
...only to find that you had to race around trying to "catch up"
or "fix" a problem that could have been avoided?

How many opportunities to be with or say something to someone?
And now it's too late.

How many regrets?

You can't change the past...


You CAN begin living in the realization that TODAY MATTERS


"The way you live today impacts tomorrow!"

So...what are you doing TODAY?

What impact will it have on your tomorrow?

Think about it...

and as John says, keep reading his "stuff"


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I KNOW this looks like a Pitch...

But this is waaay TOO IMPORTANT to keep to myself!!

Ever think YOU could RIP OFF
the legendary Joseph L. Schroeder?

I mean, come on...The man's a bonifide GENIUS...

Rip HIM off??

You know Joe.....

The inventor of the Funded Proposal
Founder of The Million Mind March
Teacher and mentor of people such as
  • Dennis Karganilla...

  • Mike Dillard...

  • Mike Littman...

  • Robert Blackman...

  • Diane Hochman...
Just to name a few!!

Now he's in cahoots with Diane Hochman and you're
not gonna believe what the TWO of them are doing!!
(Personally, I think they've flipped out!!)

$1200 worth of goodies....FOR $78!!!

And these are genuine GOODIES...NOT
stuff that is OBSOLETE and YOU WILL NEVER USE...

These are some of the materials and KNOWLEDGE
that built EMPIRES in this industry...

I already have most of what's in the package
they're offering...and TRUST me...

You're not going to get this stuff ANYWHERE ELSE

First, You need to LISTEN to this audio clip from Monday night's call
to get all the details

Then CALL the special 24/7 telephone number in the audio
and TELL Joe and Diane,

"Cathie Heath said to count me in!!"

Last of all, send me a THANK YOU!!


OK...that's it

Almost can listen to the entire call if you'd like, too...

You'll be GLAD you did!!

P.S. And BTW...This offer will change next Monday, December 7th...Don't take a chance on missing out!