Friday, April 30, 2010

You Can't Fight Natural Law

We had the most amazing PRIVATE CALL with Joe Schroeder, Diane Hochman and the gang at the Million Mind March yesterday afternoon...

But the call was MEMBERS ONLY
So I can't reveal all that was said

What I WILL talk about is a CONCEPT we discussed...



Natural Law is Natural Law

It's not "new age"

Nor is it "magic"

It's as OLD as the hills...



Drop something, it falls down...ALWAYS!

That's called gravity

That's called Natural Law

Slam on the brakes when you're driving, everything jerks forward
(including the groceries that WERE on the back seat)

That's called inertia

That's called Natural Law

You've heard of The Prince and the Pauper
Even though they traded places,
They could not BECOME the other...

They could not stop being WHO they were!

That, too, is Natural Law

And so it is.

The burger flipper wins the lottery and a year later, is out of money and back flipping burgers

And the convenience store clerk cannot stop thinking about being RELEVANT and can be found secretly reading the Bible, autobigraphies of great people and the writings of Emmerson and Marcus Aurelius Caesar.

They spend their spare time on conference calls learning how to find and BE their best, authentic self.

You see, the Mohammed Ali's of the world MUST live out the GREATNESS they were born with.

Nature does what Nature DOES

Nature CORRECTS itself

This video shows what can happen in two short seasons...

Discover who you were born to be
and just BE

YOU win...

Because Nature Corrects Itself...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Diane Hochman LIVE! How thinking like a cockroach can change your business. 2 pm est TODAY 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#

Update 5/1/10:
Did you miss the call?
No worries!
Get the recording here


Monday, April 26, 2010

Come Hang Out With Joe & the Gang at The Million Mind March! Tonight @ 9:27 pm est 641-594-7000 PIN 600088# And Don't Forget Your Notebook!
By Demand--One of Diane Hochman's BEST-- "Cockroach Marketing" - Learn to SURVIVE! Training Call Tues @ 2 pm est 414 944-0004 PIN 9774024

BE Where You Are

You’re working on building your dream

“They” call it a small business or home business…

but it’s YOUR DREAM

Independence, freedom…the lifestyle that you’ve always wanted.

You’ve been working at it for months…maybe years…yet you notice…

While you’re at your computer, or writing, or reading an article, you find your mind drifting…

Thinking about yesterday’s disappointments, things you need to get at the grocery store later today, or the appointment you have tomorrow, or a movie, a song, your spouse, your kids…or your 8th grade science teacher!

You get on the computer to “get some serious work done” and before you know it, you’ve spent an hour and a half (or longer) following some rabbit trail. Don’t forget where that got Alice!

You start one thing…start a second thing…start a third thing…

None of them get done

Nothing gets accomplished

There is no forward movement

You feel stuck and start to think about giving up

You look for “help” and find something that sounds good to you

So you spend good money on a course, a book or a system

NOW you’re on your way!!

Then when you’re at your computer, or writing, or reading, you find your mind drifting…thinking about yesterday’s disappointments, things you need to get at the grocery…

Time to get real…be honest with yourself.

It’s not the tool, or the system, or the book…

It’s YOU!

Not the “who-you-are-as-a-person” you, but rather your focus, your ability to BE in the present moment (or apparent lack thereof)

Does that mean you should give up?


You can train your mind to be totally present to where you are, what you are doing and what you’re experiencing.

The late, great Mr. Jim Rohn said,
“We go through the day rather than getting something from the day. We are everywhere at any given moment in time except living in that moment in time.”

Learn to be wherever you are. Focus on each moment, extracting everything that moment has to offer. Don’t let yourself be distracted by yesterday and tomorrow…today is slipping by.

It can be hard work, and it takes discipline, because our minds tend to “go back” to repeated thinking patterns (topic for another day), but you can develop the lifestyle of BEing in the moment. Some examples…

  • Someone is talking to you…LISTEN to each word they are saying and really absorb the message
  • Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed for several minutes…listen to the SILENCE (hint: great thoughts can come to you during this exercise…WRITE THEM DOWN)
  • Watch a sunset…notice where the sun is in the sky, how quickly it sets, the colors it creates, how those colors change, etc.
  • Look at a painting…really LOOK at it, noticing the colors, the details and allow yourself to be drawn into it.

Above all, don’t beat on yourself when you find yourself drifting. It’s going to take time, and as I mentioned, discipline, to train your mind to really focus.

The good news is you can do CAN DO it...YOU CAN DO IT!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WHAT a call last night! Packed out line..great lesson and some GREAT hot-seat coaching...catch the replay...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't forget...Love call tonight for all my home & small business buddies! Are You Building Your Business Backwards...
Don't forget..@DianeHochman is back LIVE! Tonight at 8 est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# Are You building YOUR business backwards??

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She's baaack!! LIVE! @DianeHochman - Are YOU building your business backwards? Find out Wed. eve at 8 pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
@DianeHochman asks - Are YOU building your business backwards? Find out Wed. eve at 8 pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
It's been awhile, but @DianeHochman is doing a live call tomorrow night! 8 p est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# You DON'T want to miss it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Joe Schroeder and the Million Mind March Open freedom revival call 9:27 Est...1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088# Dial in now!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The vessel carries what's put into it. You're filling yours with...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

And You Thought the Dreaded Google Paper Trail was Intimidating??

For some time now, my friend, Diane Hochman, has been warning Internet marketers and home business owners about the "Dreaded Google Paper Trail"...and rightfully so!

Everything we've ever endorsed or been involved with online is held in cyberspace just waiting for someone to type our name into that search box.

And if that weren't enough to think about...

Yesterday it was announced that Twitter's ENTIRE ARCHIVE will be housed at the Library of Congress.

According to the article written by Dan Hope, Tech News Daily Staff Writer at
"The U.S. Library of Congress, which archives many forms of media for their cultural and historical significance, has announced it will keep a digital archive of every public tweet that has been broadcast on Twitter since its inception in March 2006."
Remember when you tweeted what you were having for dinner?

Or that you were eating two pints of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia and watching reruns of Gilligan's Island?

How about the time you Tweeted what you really thought of your boss/girlfriend/mother-in-law?

In the back of our minds, we kind of knew that there was an "archive" somewhere...

But we were lulled into a sense of safety as we hid behind our computer monitors and iPhones.

What you type, post, upload and agree to on the Internet really DOES matter!

What's revealed when someone types your name into a search box?

What kind of image are YOU projecting?

Be aware of how you conduct yourself on the Internet.

Now more than ever, it has far-reaching consequences...

So be careful out there!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some Things Bear Repeating...

My friend, Don Hamilton, posted a comment on FaceBook last week that prompted some lively chatter on the Milk and Cookies Marketing group discussion board.

Then just the other day, I was talking to a friend and the same subject came up.

Recorded a quick audio for you...cause some things just bear repeating

Monday, April 12, 2010

Joe Schroeder + Marcus! 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

A Lesson From Nature

You've no doubt heard, "If you build it, they will come..."

What about the other side of that coin?

What if you stop building...stop tending to or caring for?

Doesn't matter if you're procrastinating on your daily task list or taking someone for granted...lack of action takes a toll.

As I was walking along what used to be the beach where my children and I played when they were little, it occurred to me that there's a lesson in nature that teaches the result of inattention or neglect.

Just a little each day...
Call Tonight
A lesson from nature...
We ARE who we choose to BE.

Friday, April 9, 2010

If you do away with the yoke of oppression…satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness ~ Isaiah

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just re-read a post from a year ago on my "other" blog...some things just remain true, don't they?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

God's smiling. Goodnight, John-Boy, Goodnight Moon...