Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two Trainings on One Call...Why Self Help Books Don’t Work & YOU can Become a Blackbelt Marketer

If you missed the Million Mind March call for Monday,
January 25th, you missed a bonifide double-header!

Two masters, Joe Schroeder AND Diane Hochman

Gave TWO AMAZING trainings!!


Another crazy offer including an MLM Makeover
from Diane Hochman!

Hurry …offer ends on Sunday the 31st.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Already KNOW This...

I'm sure we're all familiar with these...

“As you sow, so shall you reap”

“Cast your bread upon the waters and it will return to you”

“What goes around, comes around”

Or as we say around the Million Mind March,

“What you give away, you get to keep”

It means the same…doesn’t matter how you say it.

But that’s the question…
What does it MEAN?

You already KNOW the answer…it was taught to you
while you were still knee-high to a grasshopper.

“It’s about money, right?”

Sure... But no.

What is it that you want…I mean, REALLY??

To be loved?



To be relevant......


Close your eyes…

Think back…

It might have been Mama or Daddy
Or maybe Grandma or Grandpa

But you were young.....very young

When someone said,

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Now what is it that you want?

I mean really, really want?

“What you give away, you get to keep!”


Proud member of The Million Mind March

You are invited to join us every Monday evening
@ 9:27 Est
1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

24/7 Recorded message:
1-800-772-9871 ext. 10
Listen TODAY

FREE package...The Mechanics of Wealth
Just pay shipping and handling

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gentlemen's Wisdom

A piece of wisdom from Joe Schroeder...

Stanley Walker once said that if you, "associate with well-
mannered persons and your manners will improve. Run around with decent people and your own decent instincts will be strengthened."

Therefore every gentleman must learn to use good manners, be
courteous, polite and honorable to everyone. A gentleman must
never use put-downs, insults or ridicule
to embarrass or hurt others.

How can a true gentleman recognize himself?

It's not going to be by his own reflection alone, but
also through action.

Every man who aspires to be great must therefore begin at
once to do their duty in their location in life and immediately
he will know what is inside him.

You must set a good example and think long-term in every endeavor, and you must do whatever you can, today, to make things better wherever you find yourself.

Real men don't look the other way when they can make a difference and they don't make excuses or blame others when they fail to make a difference.

The Million Mind March


Copyright J.L. Schroeder

Thank you, Joe!