Monday, May 31, 2010

Working through the summer is CRITICAL to your business...

Make this YOUR Summer of Success!

Home and Small Business owners...

Doesn't matter if you own a Florist Shop, Make Baby Toys
or sell products for a network marketing company...

We're Kicking off "The Summer of SUCCESS -
"Super SIMPLE Marketing Series" with Diane Hochman
and the Home and Small Business World team

Kick-Off is TUESDAY, JUNE 1st


Learn Why Working Hard This Summer
Is Critical to Your Business Success

GREAT TRAINING For Your Online or Offline Business.....
and it's FREE!

Details at

Or email 

ATTN: Home & Small Business owners...FREE marketing training
Summer of Success - Super Simple Marketing Courses begin THIS WEEK

Friday, May 28, 2010

Another $2000 Widget??

I don't think I've ever written a post quite like this one before, but I need to unload what's on my heart

You can read it or not...your choice

At least I'll be able to look myself in the mirror.

I don't know about you, but I'm noticing an increasing number of "launches" lately

New systems...New tools...

Now that's not a bad thing in itself, I mean, how else would the industry move forward, right?

But so many of them are positioning themselves as THE answer you've been waiting for...

You...and 3,000 others

We both know that in another 6 - 9 months, that same "guru" is gonna come out with another new system or widget designed to take your business to the next level quickly and easily

And they'll make you believe that you just HAVE to have that one, too!

A couple grand every six months...and nothing changes

Not for you, it doesn't

At least not long-term.

Let's be fair here...

Many of the systems and tools WORK and work well...

IF you know HOW to use them!

All we need do is look at Eben Pagan, Ann Seig, Mike Dillard, Frank Kern, etc...

But it seems like it's only a select few, though, doesn't it?

Is it possible they know something that's giving them that edge??

They do

Actually, a few things...

First of all, there is no "magic bullet" one "system" (or person, for that matter) that can guarantee anything

Everyone "knows" that.

Even YOU admit that out loud one minute and pull your credit card out the next (me, too!)


Because there are principles that, when understood and applied, can have people eating out of your hand EVERY TIME

I'm talking about real Marketing Principles, people...

NOT how to use the Internet to annoy everyone you come in contact with...

But rather

Solid...time honored...been around since the dawn of time...

Based on human psychology


Now here comes the part that you won't like...

It takes WORK, TIME and EFFORT to learn the "code" behind it all

Success is not gonna fall into your lap because you shelled out another two grand!!

Study the industry and learn from those who've "made it".

NOT what they're doing now...

Find out what they did WHEN THEY STARTED

If you're not willing to take the time to learn the basic psychology of marketing...and most people WON'T...

Then be prepared to pull out your credit card again in a few months for the newest "system" that's launching.

And when nothing's changed and you're BROKE...

Remember that I TRIED to warn you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contain Yourself!

We're all vessels…

Containers of what we put into (or allow into) ourselves.

"As a Man (or woman) thinketh..."

Picture, if you will, a large, earthen jar…

Imagine it filled to the rim with clean, pure water

So full, that even the slightest movement
will cause the water to spill over

Now picture a second jar filled with a dark,
smelly, murky sludge

Which would YOU be more willing to carry?

And so it is with us…

We "spill over" onto all those we come into contact with.

Filled with greed, self-centeredness, negativity, etc..
we repel those we come in contact with...quickly, I might add!

Filled with pure thoughts, wisdom and understanding…

With LOVE...

People flock to us to "drink in" what's spilling out of us

We understand there will be times when we come across
someone who is so parched…so THIRSTY…

That we need to empty ourselves so they might live.

And so we MUST.

But the GLORIOUS FACT is that Nature abhors a vacuum

So the more we empty ourselves for the sake of others

The more we ourselves will be filled again with





The TRUE essence of God.

"What you do for other people, God does for you."
~ J. L. Schroeder

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ever notice that when you stretch, you reach for the sky?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lost FIVE pounds in two weeks! No "diet", no pills, no special products. Just Doership! :)
Can YOU handle the Truth??

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fred the Baker's Got MOJO!!

Who's Fred the Baker?  You know Fred...

He's the Dunkin Donuts man!

I'm tellin' you, this guy really has it going on!!!

His alarm goes off at 3:30 a.m.
and there's but one thought on his mind...

"Time to make the donuts"

"Bet the guys who make the supermarket donuts are still in bed"
He knows he's DIFFERENT

"Plain donuts aren't enough. Five kinds..."
He's committed to OVER-DELIVERING

And his "Good Morning, Folks" smile shows reveals that he
LOVES his work!


Laser focus
Quality and Over Delivering
Loves what he does

The mindset of the successful

It's no wonder "America Runs on Dunkin"


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quick Opt- Tip

Are you building a list with one of the autoresponders like AWeber?

I was reminded of something today that's saved me sooo much time and headache!! 

So if you don't know about this one...

ALWAYS opt-in to your own lists. 


Simple, yet such a great tool! 

That way, you'll know EXACTLY what's going on...

What your subscribers will see
Check links to be sure they are working correctly
Get the "feel" of your autoresponder/follow up letters, etc. 

I can't tell you how many times this simple habit
of mine has saved me. 

I suggest doing this before promoting your page "out there".

Better than someone trying to opt-in and not being able to
or clicking on a link that's not working!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Look at wildflowers, how they grow...
They simply ARE!

The sea, the sun, the stars and the moon
Just ARE...and what service they give!

How often do we, the "intelligent life" on this planet
PREVENT OURSELVES from accomplishing our divine assignment...

The purpose for which we were born...

Because we scurry around like so many ants
under a magnifying glass

Running, to and fro...doing...doing...doing...

Doing what????
Consumed by ego and self
We spend days...weeks...even LIFETIMES
Expending great energy to be consistent and useful

Ah, be somehow USEFUL!

And so??

So consider those who influence us most

Influence doesn't come from those who force their
conversations on us

Nor does it come from those who laud their feigned
superiority over us comes from those who live their lives like
the stars in the heavens and
the wildflowers along the side of the road

Those who live before us authentically and unaffectedly...
Are solidly connected to the Source...
Who simply BE

Look at wildflowers, how they grow...
They simply ARE!

The sea, the sun, the stars and the moon

Just ARE..

and what SERVICE they give!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Diane Hochman Exposed the Shocking Truth

Last night's "Webinar Gone Wild" blew everyone's socks off!!

If you were there, you KNOW what I'm talking about

Diane was...well...Diane!

Telling it like it is...not pulling any punches

She detailed what she says is "the biggest mind virus that's
impacting people in the home and small business industry" and
explained why "good, honest, decent people are being ROBBED of the livelihoods that they are trying SO HARD to make. "

If you missed problem

Get the Recording Here

You'll hear:

  • Just how PERVASIVE this "mind virus" is
  • The 5 Major Categories that struggling home and small business owners fall into
  • The PROBLEMS home and small business owners UNKNOWINGLY create for themselves and how to CORRECT them

Chances are, you'll discover the very thing that's blocking your progress

Get the Recording Here
But WAIT! I'm including a Bonus...

And no, it's not 4 free steak knives! LOL

As soon as I'm notified of your confirmed request, not only will you have instant access to the audio from last night...

I will send you 3 BONUS training audios;

1. "Are You Building Your Business Backward?"
2. Diane Hochman's renowned "Cockroach Marketing" and
3. THE Open House Training everyone's buzzing about (with a surprise caller)
So what are you waiting for?

Get the Recording Here
But you'd better duct tape your socks on first!

PS&BTW...My passion is to serve YOU, the home and small business owner, and these audio trainings are offered in that spirit. Register for my news and tips to get the latest updates from Home and Small Business World. We have some really COOL stuff coming very soon!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Joe Schroeder's "Conquering Chief" ebook
FREE download:

Joe Schroeder

Impossible is not a word...It's just a reason for someone not to try ~ Kutless

What Faith Can Do

A friend shared this song with me yesterday




Everybody falls sometimes
You gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think its more than you can take
But you're stronger, stronger than you know

And don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
Thats what faith can do

It doesn't matter what you've heard
Impossible is not a word
It's just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody's scared to death
You may decide to take that step
Out on the water
But it'll be all right

Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

Overcome the odds
When you don't have a chance
(Thats what faith can do)
When the world says you can't
It will tell you that it can

"What Faith Can Do" by Kutless from the album, "It Is Well"


Did You Miss the Open House?

All I can say is WOW!

Diane's open house was fantastic!!

If you were there, you KNOW what I'm talking about

A genuine infomercial ROCK STAR jumped on the
call and shared some of her marketing expertise!!

It was GREAT!!!!!!

If you MISSED it

No Worries!

We recorded it for you


Friday, May 7, 2010

Holy Cannolis! An Infomercial ROCK STAR hopped on Diane Hochman's Open house call...40 minutes left..hop on!! 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
Don't forget...Diane Hochman's Open House 11:00 am TODAY!!
Diane Hochman Open House

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Truth About Training with Diane Hochman

I happened to stumble upon Diane Hochman in April of 2009.

One year later, what, if anything, has changed?