Monday, November 30, 2009

FaceBook is least for me, it is!

Today, I was at a friend's house and needed a yard stick to mark
a piece of fabric that I was working on. My friend doesn't have a
yard stick.

"Necessity is the mother of invention", right?

I was taught that when one thing doesn't work (or isn't available)
use something else. So for the shorter lines I used a notebook, and
for the longer lines I used a cutting board.

You're probably wondering what the heck this all has to do with
your business.

Same principle applies. When one method doesn't work for you,
isn't available, or has stopped giving you results, find another
way to achieve your goal. While that's always been in the back of
my mind, boy, did I found out today what that means!!

Came home to find I have NO friends on FaceBook, all my notes
and videos are GONE, I have no wall for people to write's as
though I never existed. Now, I can't seem to log in, either!
A bit unnerving, I must confess.

One of my teachers is always asking, "What would you do if the
Internet went away tomorrow?" You may laugh, but think about
it for a moment...

Twitter crashed a few months ago, FaceBook can go away all by
itself, it seems. Does that mean that I'm DONE?


There are TONS of other places that I can connect with people
and promote my business...both online and offline.

Rather than let it discourage me, I look at this situation as an opportunity
to get to know people who may not be active on FaceBook.

What challenge are YOU facing? Trust me...there IS a way around it!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes...It Just Doesn't Pay to be Nice!!

Just had an interesting experience which prompts this

Got one of those recorded phone blast messages today, which is
nothing new...I get them all the time.

You know the ones..."Saw your business on the Internet and..."

Under normal circumstances, I simply ignore them, but this
message contained "I'll put $1,000 in your pocket in 3 days"
and other such claims.

My first thought? "This prospecting method could get
this guy into real trouble if he keeps using this..."

(We are all aware of the new FTC rulings, effective next week,
right? If not, download your copy of the regulations here)

So I called him a professional courtesy...
realizing there's a possibility that some folks don't know.

Well, not only wouldn't he let me get a word in edgewise,
it was obvious that he misunderstood the reason for my call
and started yelling about me "opting in". I had no other choice
but to end the call and go back to eating my supper.
{insert BIG SIGH here}

So be it.

I love this industry and will continue trying to help as many as
possible, regardless of what company they're with...

even if the "Mr. D's" misunderstand.

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!!

P.S. Don't be fooled by thinking that if you sign with some legal
service that you're protected. You are and always will be
responsible for your own content.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

But Isn't Social Media all I Need??

Social Media is all the rage in marketing. It's hip, trendy and yes, "sexy".

Even the national news is talking about it.

Everyone wants to FaceBook and Twitter their way to success
(the two most popular sites).

But the experience of millions of marketers worldwide proves that success in social media is not duplicatable by the majority of home business owners.

Sure, there are quite a few who have built decent businesses using social media, but the basis for their success AND what is involved is often not told to the countless “newbies” who look to social media as their “magic bullet”.

There is no replacement for solid education and skill development. Without it, the average marketer is like a “kid in a candy store” not knowing where to turn or what to say. What starts out looking like n easy method of marketing ends up being chaos and confusion.

And let's not forget...trendy today is passe tomorrow

Please don’t misunderstand. Social media is a great place to build relationships and find those who may become customers/associates in the future…if used properlyAND if supported with solid training.

Social media, like DVD’s and brochures, is a TOOL. It works well in the hands of those that take the time to get the training and develop their skills.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We're All Chasing Something

A few days ago, I wrote a note about our dog, Jack,
chasing his tail.

(If you missed it, you can see it here)

We're all chasing something, you know.

A man...a woman...a career...
A vision...a dream...freedom...


The vast majority of Network/Internet Marketers
seem to be chasing money in one form or another.

You know...
The six-figure INCOME
The fancy CAR
The big HOUSE
The lavish VACATIONS

Think about it...You KNOW it's true!!

What about YOU?
Are you chasing money??

You enrolled in your company for $XX.00
Got your "Business in a Box"
Became a "product of the product"
Followed the plan and hoped for the best


This NEW COMPANY promised 4-figures your first month
And six-figures??
That's gonna be easy-peasy!!
So you shell out $XXX.00 - $XX,000.00
(gotta make sure you're qualified for everything, you know)

Then there are the autoships or the monthly services
and the websites...
buying leads...
renting rooms for meetings...
and on...
and on...
and on.

All in the pursuit of money.

Just how much has the pursuit of money cost YOU?

How much money would you say you lost to your
credit card or out of your wallet??

How long have you chased money?
Did you catch it??
Or did you lose it?

Be honest with yourself...

How much has it cost YOU?

I've heard horror stories...
Everything from maxed out credit cards
to Bankruptcy and destroyed lives!!

Here's some wisdom:
The more you chase money, the more it eludes you.


The more you chase money, the more it eludes you.'s OK
Most of us have gone through it to some extent…
The good news is that we have to go through it to come out the other side.


When you chase Wisdom…you can't lose!!!

You say, "But I need money, Cathie."

Let me say it again…
When you chase Wisdom…you can't lose!!!

How come??

Because when you pursue wisdom, everything you learn
impacts every little aspect of your life…
You CAN’T lose!!! :) :)

How much can you afford to lose chasing money??

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." (Proverbs)

Bottom line......

Seek Wisdom.

Become part of a mastermind group. If you'll look
closely, you'll find that's something successful people
do, including Ben Franklin, Joe Schroeder, Napoleon Hill,
and Caesar.

You are welcome to join us!

We're a Mastermind Group, a community of free thinkers who
swap ideas and energy with each other in the pursuit of Wisdom.

We are Good News Mechants and Soldiers of Prosperity.

We believe in the principles that made this country GREAT!

We believe:
Change your mind…
Change your income…
Change your life!

We are The Million Mind March!

Read the "Fight Agreement" and join The March here

Listen to the 24 hour Recorded Message:
1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10

We're looking for people who are looking for us...

Is that you??

Call me if you need me

Ask for your Free Booklet

2 CD's and a Booklet - The Mechanics of Wealth
Just pay the shipping and handling

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Picture is Worth...

In this case, MORE than a thousand words!

Your attitude towards life defines not only who you are,
but the quality of life you are after!

Whatever it is that has been bugging you
doesn't seem so bad anymore, does it?

If only we ALL could have the attitude this little boy has!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Listen to Your Mama…Watch Your Mouth!

Ever notice the way powerful people talk?

I mean true leaders
Not self-proclaimed gurus and know-it-alls

My mentor tells me to look for commonalities among the “big dogs”

Notice the way they all talk.

There MUST be something to it!

We speak our world into existence…

Joe Schroeder says,

“What you speak about comes about”
“What you argue for, you get to keep”

What are YOU arguing for?

Poverty, struggle and failure?

“Come on, Cathie,” you say… NOBODY argues for that!”


When was the last time you said….

“I’m not good at that”

“I can’t do this, because…”

“I can’t afford to…”

or my personal non-favorite

“I can’t change, I’ve always been this way”


The minute you start talking about your fears and worries…

Your poverty and lack…

Or your inabilities…..

You’re DONE!!

Ever notice how REAL LEADERS talk?


….Listen better than they speak

….Make you feel special, safe

….Focus on YOU

….Speak INCREASE into you

….Don’t engage in gossip

and the biggie…


I didn’t always understand this

(Although I’m sure some inherently do)

But it IS something that I’ve learned.. still learning, to be honest.

Hanging with people who help me

“Watch my mouth” really helps!

We get together every week,

Speak LIFE and LOVE and INCREASE into each other….


CELEBRATE each other just for BEING!

The cool thing is that you are invited to come hang with us!!!

You might like us...

…… might not…and that’s ok (really)

(Everyone should have a mastermind group, but not
every mastermind group is for everyone)

Hop on and see what you think

Every MONDAY @ 9:27 pm Eastern

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Change your mind…

Change your income…

Change your life!


Ask me for your Free booklet today

The Mechanics of Wealth - 2 CD's and booklet
Click here

1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10
24 hr. recorded message