Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I spent yesterday afternoon at Lake Erie playing with the bunnies and deer and beaver...
and the geese and the cranes...the red-winged blackbirds and the herons...
the red tail hawks and even a Bald Eagle!

And the birds and the bees and the trees and the streams...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Forgiveness comes from an open heart & it comes without conditions...or it does not come at all. (from the movie "Amish Grace")
WooHoo! It's National Black Forest Cake Day!! Grab a slice!!! :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's a Chicken Soup Kind of Day

It's a rainy day here in Northwest Ohio.

The kind of day that begs for a soft blanket, a good book...
and a bowl of Chicken Soup.

If you're anything like me, you spend most of your time taking care of the "things that need to be done"

You've got your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) written out and it rules every moment of your day.

It's the job stuff, the business stuff, the family stuff, the friends stuf...

And there's the emails, the blog posts, the special projects, the appointments, the conference calls...

I was talking to a dear friend this morning about my "crashing" for a day or so and SHE called it taking care of herself. Go figure!

That got me to thinking...

Why is it that us "Type A" personalities seem to put taking care of ourselves so low on our list of priorities?

Many of us glibly quote people such as the late, great Mr. Jim Rohn: "Work harder on yourself than you do on your business", and yet do we?

Doesn't "working" on ourselves include treating ourselves well?

Do we spend the time we need to nurture ourselves so we have the STRENGTH to grow?

It's not only a matter of taking time off once in awhile, but rather caring ABOUT yourself enough to care FOR yourself.

Eat well

Exercise well

Read well

Pray well

Play well

Rest well

Feed yourself "Chicken Soup" in every area of your life.

Food for thought (no pun intended)

As for me, I'm making Chicken Soup today!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's National Chip and Dip Day! What's your favorite?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Affordable new service for small business owners and

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Things Get Scary...

How many times have you truly been enticed out of your comfort zone into a place that's scary? What is your response?

I've learned that most often (make that always) REAL opportunity brings with it a major risk and deciding to "take the plunge" can be compared with jumping off a cliff without a parachute.

Today, I'm faced with one of "those" decisions and paraphrase the words of Edward Teller...

it's my time to step into the darkness of the unknown. My faith knows that one of two things shall happen: Either I will be given something solid to stand on or grow wings and taught to fly.
30 Year old Arbonne Int'l emerges from financial restructuring

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anyone claiming to be a leader should be judged by his scoreboard and not by his self-proclamations. ~ Orrin Woodward
I uploaded a YouTube video -- It's Official...Spring is Here!

didja hear?

Have you ever heard something that rang so true in the middle of you that you had to share it with everyone you knew?

It happens all the time, right?

Well, Monday night I was listening to Joe Schroeder on our
live conference call and he said something that moved me so

As usual, the call began with a bunch of hellos and laughter (and
downright silliness), but settled into yet another AMAZING training

Joe spoke about the Power of the Tongue, and if
you missed it (or want to hear it again) click this link

But here's the thing...

The "lesson inside the lesson" Monday night really spoke to my heart

If you're anything like me, you have had more than one stop and start in this business.

Ever wonder why you couldn't just "let go" of the notions, dreams and visions in your head?

I have...plenty of times

Joe Schroeder answered that question in the middle of his teaching on the power of our words. So I made this clip...

Those dreams, visions and notions are there for a reason...

There is something you were BORN to do
And it HAS to come true!

So smile and say "Halleluiah!"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our newest little one will make her debut tomorrow! Pretty excited!! Watch for updates/pictures!! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Things Never Change...

I was looking through some old pictures and was impressed that
some things about us never change

Physical features, body type, hair color and even
eye color can change (it's true!)

But the essence of WHO we are...
The core of our BEING doesn't change.
It's who we were CREATED to be that I'm talking about here.

For Example...

I have been singing for as long as I can remember
It's part of who I am...part of what makes me, ME




I have a PASSION for music...for singing...
always have...always will!

And that's only one side of the multi-faceted person
God created to be me.

We all have passions that are the core of our very being

Sadly, we have been "socialized" into silence, inaction and stagnation.

"They" give us their notion of who we should be...
what we should do...what our income should be...
how we should live...

Then put us in a box

And there we stay...

Enslaved by the desires they fed us

Chained by their approval

And if we try to break free...

We're told









So we might settle for a mediocre life

even what they call "successful"

but only for a season

Because there's that SOMETHING in the middle of us that we've always wanted to do...

That we NEED to do...

That something that we know we were BORN for!

What's yours?

You KNOW it's's always been there

Think about yourself at knew then


Just get quiet and LISTEN to your HEART

Then join us who've BROKEN FREE

We're waiting to CELEBRATE YOU!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Talked about this in our Thurs Immersion group with Diane Hochman I'm not your competition...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just want to wish my childhood friends, Lois and Linda Bernacki a very Happy 60th Birthday...wherever you are...have an amazing day!!
May take some time initially, but this is gonna save me HOURS!