Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sign up to receive FREE mp3 downloads of @HSBW 's Super Simple Series before Sat. and get a BONUS training audio..http://ping.fm/Z9GpX

Increase Your Recognition...Naturally

Natural, human tendencies can increase your exposure, recognition and "likability" when you take the time to pay attention to others.
Marketing "Secret" is everywhere! Super Simple Marketing Funnel training TONIGHT..Create yours tomorrow 9p est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
AMAZING @HSBW call tonight! FREE training.. Super Simple Marketing Funnels.. 9pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# You WANT to be there..

Monday, June 28, 2010

AMAZING @HSBW team call tonight! Tuesday's free training.. Super Simple Marketing Funnels.. is gonna ROCK! 9pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#

Do Sparrows Have an MBA?

Very often, watching what occurs in nature holds valuable lessons for us.

The sparrows in my back yard demonstrated a very important discipline for business...and life!
He's lost his marbles! 1-800-772-9781 EXT 10

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Internet is Just Another Business Tool

When my new camera arrived (the Kodak Zi8 I blogged about last week), I found myself thinking about the tools we all use every day...including the Internet.

The Internet might be a  valuable tool, but it's just that...a tool.

The same business and marketing principles apply online as offline.

Without a working knowledge of marketing psychology and what triggers us to move on something, the Internet can be as ineffective as a poorly written classified ad.

Be Consistent! An Important Concept Learned from Water Lilies

Understanding how water lilies grow can help during those times when it seems like nothing is happening in your business. This video describes a parallel between water lilies and business.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Be Heard By Listening

It doesn't matter how incredible your product, service, or YOU are if you aren't communicating effectively with others. This quick video takes a look at listening...the #1 skill needed for effective communication.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Have YOU Agreed To?

Based on ancient wisdom, The Four Agreements reveals the source of the self-limiting beliefs that keep us from living happy, fulfilled lives and can actually create needless suffering.

In this clearly written book, Don Miguel Ruiz explores the concept of domestication, or the way we've been "trained," so to speak, suggesting that we all have a mental image of how we should be in order to be accepted by others...that simply being OURSELVES is the biggest fear we have.

This book is not only inspiring but is filled with powerful lessons that anyone on the path to wisdom and a more fulfilled life can use. It's available in both hardcover and paperback at Amazon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

There's a REASON it's a Best Seller! New Post at Better Networker http://ping.fm/acqZU
Do you have the habits that will bring YOU success? http://ping.fm/negp5
You're in the game...but do you know the rules?? http://ping.fm/USCC1

Friday, June 18, 2010

Those Kodak Moments Can Pay...Literally!!

If you're like many marketers, you've included pictures in your blog posts and/or used other online photo applications from time to time which brought you to Flickr.com to upload your pictures, share them, get URL's for them, etc...

Now all those pictures that you upload to Flickr…

You know, the ones of your kids and grandkids, pets, vacation scenes, special events and the like…

Those pictures that you share with others and brag about might soon become an additional income stream for you.

Getty Images, in partnership with Flickr, has been tapping into the rich pictorial resource provided by Flickr’s 40 million users for the past two years. BBC.co.uk News reports that over 100,000 pictures taken by both pros and semi pros have been given the nod in that time.

Flickr’s general manager, Douglas Alexander, was quoted as saying
“Flickr users are the eyes of the world…the extension of this partnership is a testament to the talent of our Flickr community…we want to provide a platform for our members so they can get their work out there to the largest possible audience.”
It seems that the major appeal to stock photo companies such as Getty, is that sites like Flickr offer an eclectic collection of photographs from around the planet…not just from North America and Europe.

In addition to enhancing the diversity of their offerings by a wide margin, Nick Evans-Lombe, Getty’s COO, also sites the inherent authenticity of the photos…that were not taken for commercial purposes…as a huge asset to the collection. He describes them as being, “more gritty,” which no doubt makes them more appealing.

By simply opting into the program, now all Flickr users will be able to access this potential income stream which can conceivably allow Getty access to a cache of over four billion photos.

For details and to read the BBC.co.uk report in its entirety, click here.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Affordable Equipment for Making Online Videos..http://ping.fm/DxcX9

Watch out, YouTube!

Don't know if you've noticed a distinct absence of videos from me recently, but I began having some really nasty audio problems. 

Realizing the day I've anticipating for awhile now had arrived, I plunged into researching video cameras to find the one best suited for me and my purposes.

After spending hours engaged in online confusion...er, I mean study...I called my friend, Wes Hazlitt.  In my opinion, Wes has some of the best videos out there, and I hoped he'd have the information I needed. 

He did!

Based on his recommendation and some very desireable features, I just ordered my new camera, the Kodak Zi8...in raspberry, no less!!

Given my recent issues with sound on my videos, one feature that especially appealed to me had to be that the Zi8 has a port for an external microphone, which would allow for better control of the sound quality.

My Choice? I wanted a lapel mic, and while I found a few that I felt would do the job, I ended up purchasing the  AZDEN EX503  for under $30.00.

I'm excited to see the results...can't wait til my camera and microphone arrive next week!!

So WATCH OUT, You Tube...Here I Come!!

PS - It comes in black, too! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our Badge of Honor

On last night's public call, Joe Schroeder read from Meditations by Marcus Aruelius Caesar...
"Staying on his path was his badge of honor."

What most people just don't get is what it takes to stay on the path!

To continue on through all the muck, the battles, the drudgery

To hold the dream, the vision, until it becomes reality

Even when everything you touch, everything see with your eyes and hear with your ears contradicts what you believe...

What you KNOW in your heart

To hold the dream EVEN THEN!!

It seems everyone wants to do some "Great Work", not realizing that God's glory is manifest in the small and the seemingly mundane

The very Power of Universe is in the details...
the so-called "drudgery" of life

Oswald Chambers, in his book, My Utmost for His Highest wrote,
"The great hindrance...is that we will look for big things to do. (even)  Jesus took a towel and began to wash the disciples' feet."
And so in FAITH

We DO NOT ALLOW our feet take stray from the path to our divine assignments

And we perservere UNTIL...

Then the blessing comes...

Our visions become reality

and that's OUR Badge of Honor!

Monday, June 14, 2010

TONIGHT is our open freedom revival call 9:27 PM EST 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#..Open MIND Revival Please bring 100+ friends..
Join us Tuesday @ 9 pm Est for a Free Training on SUPER SIMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA :) http://ping.fm/XqNpl FB
Adobe Urging Software Update..http://ping.fm/HzEUw

Adobe Critical Security Flaw Fixed - Update Your Software

Last week I told you that BBC’s website reported that Adobe had acknowledged a critical security flaw in their Flash and Reader software and were rushing to get it fixed ASAP.

BBC.co.uk now reports that the bug, found in early June after some targeted attacks, has been fixed. A security update package is now available that repairs 32 vulnerabilities.

Adobe is urging all its software users to update their software as soon as possible.

Updates for Adobe’s Reader and Acrobat programs will be released the end of this month which will address flaws that may allow PDF’s to be booby-trapped.

To read the article in it’s entirety, click here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blogger Add-On Links to Your Amazon Account

Quick tutorial video shows how simple it is to install a Blogger add-on that links directly to the Amazon.com website.

Great way for Amazon affiliates to monetize their blog posts quickly and easily...and assures the correct link every time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

New post at Better Networker...http://ping.fm/liZvw

GAP Yourself!

Many people sit on their hands because they "don't know what to write/talk about". They claim that they don't have any ideas for a blog post or a video.

I would like to challenge those who have allowed themselves to sit and stare as others pass them by to consider this...

You don't have an IDEA problem...you have a RECORDING problem!

Sorting through some things in my office cabinets, I came across one of my old spiral notebooks... filled with thoughts, notions, concepts and ideas. I write...record my thoughts...A LOT! It seems I’m not alone in this habit, either.

It doesn’t take too much digging to discover that most great people have kept a journal of one sort or another, but that’s not really what this is about. I’m talking about capturing your thoughts. Those fleeting, great ideas that you just KNOW you’re going to remember…until you try to remember them!

John Belushi, for instance, is a great example of what it means to harness our thoughts and concepts. One of the greatest comedians of our time, he recognized the importance of capturing those nuggets before they were gone. When ideas came, he wrote them down...on ANYTHING! He was known for bringing some of his best ideas to a formal meeting scrawled on scraps of paper, matchbooks and paper napkins. The genius in him knew that he could not let an idea get away, or it would be gone forever.

This practice has been advocated…and demonstrated…by such notables as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and more recently, Jim Rohn, who maintained that your legacy is made up of your library, your photographs, and your JOURNALS.

I’ve heard it said that ideas are like slippery fish...if you don’t catch them, they get away. Understand that when an idea comes, you must capture it somehow. So...


Grab a pen...a pencil...some writing utensil...write it down! Get a journal, a spiral notebook, a legal pad, SOMETHING to capture the thoughts that are being given to YOU. Carry a small, pocket sized notepad or voice recorder and capture those thoughts before they’re gone for good. (It's been said that writing it down adds thinking to the thought, too)

Ideas are the beginning point of EVERYTHING. Nothing exists that was not first an idea. Success and failure both are born in ideas. No innovation or progress of any kind would have been possible without there first being an IDEA…a notion…a concept.

And remember…
"God does not give money...He gives concepts."
Joe Schroeder

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How can a 3 year old video help you today?? Find out... http://ping.fm/AElcR
MobileCrunch: "T-Mobile has been on an Android roll lately..." http://ping.fm/jUy51
Box.net moves beyond Storage n the Cloud.. http://ping.fm/3t48m

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adobe Rushing to Fix Software Problem

According to the BBC’s website, Adobe has acknowledged that its software users may be vulnerable to hackers. The security issue opens Windows, Macintoch and Linux users to possible attack.

A “critical security flaw” in the Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash Player software can potentially allow hackers to take control of entire computer systems.*

As PDF document use has skyrocketed in recent years and some estimates suggest that 95% of computers worldwide have Flash Player installed, it seems that Adobe is everywhere being used by nearly everyone, making the fix an urgent issue for all of us.

Apple mogul, Steve Jobs, was reported to have criticized Adobe, citing issues similar to this one as the reason for his refusal to allow iPhones and iPads to view Adobe Flash animations and videos.

The sky is not falling, however.  To prevent hackers from gaining access, Adobe is urging that all users of its software products be certain that their anti-virus software is up to date.

*For a complete list of the affected software or to read the article in its entirety, click here

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tomorrow night..Free Training..Super Simple Marketing Psychology..for information go to http://ping.fm/z4Veb
TONIGHT and EVERY Monday night we sing FREEDOM at the MILLION MIND MARCH 9:27 PM Eastern 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Microwave" Books?

It seems that technology has launched into warp speed at times, with information is coming at us from every direction at alarming rates.

Fast and furious, instant gratification is the name of the game.

The Internet has made it possible for all of us to research any idea, thought or concept that may cross our minds with a few key strokes and the click of a mouse.

Add iPads and Kindles, etc. to the mix, and it would seem that printed material is going the way of the Wooly Mammoth and Saber-toothed Tiger.

As a life long reader, however, I still prefer the look, feel and smell of a REAL book.

According to Alison Flood, writer for guardian.co.uk and former news editor of The Bookseller, it appears that I am not alone.

When the Espresso Book Machine made its debut at Blackwell’s Charing Cross Road branch in London, Ms. Flood heralded its arrival as the “biggest change for the literary world since Gutenberg invented his printing press more than 500 years ago.”

The implications for a machine that prints and binds over 500,000 titles on demand…and each in about 5 minutes…may signal the end to some of the frustrations we’ve all no doubt experienced when a particular book is out of stock or worse, out of print.

Andrew Hutchings, Blackwell's chief executive, believes this machine could change the bookselling industry by giving smaller shops the ability to compete with giants like Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, etc.

My own memories of long hours spent in the “Reserve Stacks” at the university library because a much-needed text was no longer in print have flooded my mind since reading the guardian.co.uk article.

Some checking proved that indeed, of the 19 machines operating in the United States today, 13 of them are on college or university campuses.

I would think that it’s only a matter of time before the business community taps into this new technology and we begin to “Microwave Book” machines next to the Red Box video machine at our local grocery stores.

The impact on traditional book publishers and sellers is something only time will tell.

The guardian.co.uk article can be read in its entirety here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Think I'm Gonna ZAG!

My teacher told me repeatedly,
"The secret is...when everyone zigs...that's when you zag."

Sound advice

Why run an ad, make a video, write a note, or a blog post that's SOS-DD?

I know the answer...

"Because I have to keep putting myself/my business out there, Cathie!"

Agreed...but what good is "putting content out" if no one is watching, reading or picking up the phone?

How do you keep what you're putting out there relevant

How do you keep from looking/sounding like everyone else?


And while you're thinking about that, I've got another one for you...

It's Summertime!

Pool parties, BBQ's, vacations and sunny days at the beach head
most people's lists

Even most business owners

Historically, business slows down in the summer...
unless you own a season-specific business, that is.

So it's natural, right?  EVERYONE is taking it easy

After all, it's summer!!

But I'm not gonna do that.


Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with BBQ's, vacations...

I enjoy them, too!

Just not today

Today...I'm gonna work on building my business while others are slacking off

Today...I'm gonna tweek it here and set it up there while others are roasting hot dogs

Today...I'm gonna keep learning and feeding my mind the psychology of marketing while others are poolside reading the latest romance novel and working on their tan.

Today...I'm gonna ZAG!

When summer's over, I'll be ready.

I'll be ready for 2011 and beyond.

What about YOU?

Will you be ready when the pool closes for the season and the kids all go back to school?

Will you be ready when your tan starts to fade and the leaves start to fall?

NOW'S the time to prepare...ZAG while everyone else ZIGS!

If you don't learn Simple marketing principles and techniques...
If you don't learn the PSYCHOLOGY behind it all, well...

It doesn't matter how many systems, signs or widgets you buy...
How many leads you call, how much "new blood" you hire...
Or how many launches you take part in!!

Yes, I suppose you could keep doing what you've been doing

Keep zigging with everyone else...and hope something changes

Or ZAG with us...and CREATE your own changes!

Join Home and Small Business World every Tuesday evening this summer at 9:00 pm Eastern time

Take advantage of the FREE, Summer of Success- Super Simple Marketing course being offered by Diane Hochman and her team

You'll learn Super Simple, easy to implement techniques that can position you for Success by summer's end.

And did I mention it's free?? :)

For Information and to sign up to receive mp3's of the calls, go to http://www.YourSummerOfSuccess.info

You CAN make this YOUR Summer of Success!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

FREE Marketing Training for home & small businesses ~ @hsbw 's SUPER-SIMPLE Marketing Series. Details at http://ping.fm/rFRe7

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Diane Hochman's on a roll...Hop on the call NOW!! 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
The SUMMER OF SUCCESS starts today! Details at http://ping.fm/FTJMb