Thursday, December 31, 2009


The END of the year...

The END of the decade...


NO MORE pussy-footing around
(that's for sissies, anyway)

Are YOU ready to get serious?

"Oh, but Cathie...I've read all the books..."

So, you have ALL the information you need...good for you!

"Really, Cathie...I have a dynamite new system that
does all the work for me..."


No one is able to create a SUSTAINABLE
residual income that way!!
(except the guy who owns the system, that is)


Another year is beginning


How many more are YOU going to let slide by while you
keep doing the same things over and over??

Haven't you realized the "secret" yet?

That NOTHING is going to CHANGE
until YOU DO?????


Are you REALLY serious??

I mean really ready-to-commit-to-yourself serious????

Then, and only then...
listen to this audio

Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!!



Proud member of The Million Mind March

ext. 10
24/7 Recorded Message

Get the booklet and CD package at The Million Mind March
(just pay shipping and handling), email me the receipt,
( and I'll send you a bonus
booklet FREE as my gift!

P.S. & BTW...tell Joe that I sent you (wink)

P.P.S. & Holy Cow! Diane Hochman is throwing in a
bonus CD on How To be 10 Foot Tall and Bullet Proof
if you order yours this week! Just put "Bonus CD" along
with my name in the comment box.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Joe's Wisdom Seed

You are not what you think you think you think you are.

What you are, what we all are, is what we secretly
beleive we are, can do and "be."

The "greats" where un-consciously CONSCIOUS of
their greatness and took immense action.

It's about convincing the that little
man who lives inside of your head

You know, that little fellow who steps into
the shower with you and thinks thoughts FOR you

It's about convincing the you inside of you
that what you say about you do about

We are not what we think we are

What we are is who we subconsciously believe

People talk a great game. But that is not really them.

People tell tale tales. But now we know the whole truth.

Just for 6 days. Actually DO as you THINK and THOUGHT
you said you would inside of your head.

Guess what

Everyone is voting for you.

Especially that little fellow deep, deep, inside
of your head.

Thank you, Joe Schroeder!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Earl Nightengale, co-founder of Nightengale-Conant,
recorded "The Strangest Secret" over 50 years ago.

Ben Franklin? He was writing his stuff 200 years ago

And the wisdom of King Solomon dates back over 3,000 years!

The point?

Wisdom is timeless.

Without wisdom, you're spinning your wheels. Real
success finds the wise.

"Therefore, get wisdom."

Feed your mind...join a mastermind group where you can
learn and grow and BE.

"He who walks with the wise, grows wise."

You are welcome to join us. We are a growing group of
doers...Soldiers of Prosperity...Good News Merchants.

We have buried the words "I can't" and walk together as one.

We are teachers of wisdom and Citizens of Mankind.

We are made up of truck drivers, doctors, housewives,
business owners, store clerks, nannies and janitors.

We are 12...we are over 60.

We are Ten Feet Tall and Bullet Proof.

We are The Million Mind March.

And we believe:

Change your mind...
Change your income...
Change your LIFE!
(we're changing the world!)

24/7 Recorded Message
800-772-9781 ext. 10

One last thing...if you'd like a free booklet (my gift to you) just let me know.


Friday, December 4, 2009

It's Only ONE DAY, Right?

We hear these all the time...
Everywhere we go...
We've even said them!

"That little bit won't make a difference."

"It'll be faster/easier if I just do the minimum."

“I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”

After all, what’s ONE DAY, anyway??

One day…24 hours…1440 minutes…86,400 seconds

Only ONE DAY, right?

Not a big deal...or is it??

When John Maxwell was at the Seagate Center in Toledo, Ohio
this May promoting his book, Put Your Dream to the Test
I had the opportunity to speak with him privately...

...and I thanked him for "proving me right" at the end
of the seminar by recommending his book, Today Matters.
It's not only one of my all time favorites, but is THE Maxwell
book I consider a MUST read and have given/recommended
to friends and associates. (it's not the one he signed for me,
but that's a story for another day LOL)

Turns out, in all his "stuff", as he calls it, it's one of his personal
favorites, too, and away from "the maddenin' crowd", we had quite
a nice conversation about it.

In the early pages of the book, you'll find these words:

"The way you live today impacts your tomorrow."

Something to think about...
and worth repeating...

"The way you live today impacts your tomorrow."

How many times have you taken a short cut or neglected something
because it was...
· too hard
· too tedious
· too lengthy
· too __fill in the blank__
...only to find that you had to race around trying to "catch up"
or "fix" a problem that could have been avoided?

How many opportunities to be with or say something to someone?
And now it's too late.

How many regrets?

You can't change the past...


You CAN begin living in the realization that TODAY MATTERS


"The way you live today impacts tomorrow!"

So...what are you doing TODAY?

What impact will it have on your tomorrow?

Think about it...

and as John says, keep reading his "stuff"


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I KNOW this looks like a Pitch...

But this is waaay TOO IMPORTANT to keep to myself!!

Ever think YOU could RIP OFF
the legendary Joseph L. Schroeder?

I mean, come on...The man's a bonifide GENIUS...

Rip HIM off??

You know Joe.....

The inventor of the Funded Proposal
Founder of The Million Mind March
Teacher and mentor of people such as
  • Dennis Karganilla...

  • Mike Dillard...

  • Mike Littman...

  • Robert Blackman...

  • Diane Hochman...
Just to name a few!!

Now he's in cahoots with Diane Hochman and you're
not gonna believe what the TWO of them are doing!!
(Personally, I think they've flipped out!!)

$1200 worth of goodies....FOR $78!!!

And these are genuine GOODIES...NOT
stuff that is OBSOLETE and YOU WILL NEVER USE...

These are some of the materials and KNOWLEDGE
that built EMPIRES in this industry...

I already have most of what's in the package
they're offering...and TRUST me...

You're not going to get this stuff ANYWHERE ELSE

First, You need to LISTEN to this audio clip from Monday night's call
to get all the details

Then CALL the special 24/7 telephone number in the audio
and TELL Joe and Diane,

"Cathie Heath said to count me in!!"

Last of all, send me a THANK YOU!!


OK...that's it

Almost can listen to the entire call if you'd like, too...

You'll be GLAD you did!!

P.S. And BTW...This offer will change next Monday, December 7th...Don't take a chance on missing out!

Monday, November 30, 2009

FaceBook is least for me, it is!

Today, I was at a friend's house and needed a yard stick to mark
a piece of fabric that I was working on. My friend doesn't have a
yard stick.

"Necessity is the mother of invention", right?

I was taught that when one thing doesn't work (or isn't available)
use something else. So for the shorter lines I used a notebook, and
for the longer lines I used a cutting board.

You're probably wondering what the heck this all has to do with
your business.

Same principle applies. When one method doesn't work for you,
isn't available, or has stopped giving you results, find another
way to achieve your goal. While that's always been in the back of
my mind, boy, did I found out today what that means!!

Came home to find I have NO friends on FaceBook, all my notes
and videos are GONE, I have no wall for people to write's as
though I never existed. Now, I can't seem to log in, either!
A bit unnerving, I must confess.

One of my teachers is always asking, "What would you do if the
Internet went away tomorrow?" You may laugh, but think about
it for a moment...

Twitter crashed a few months ago, FaceBook can go away all by
itself, it seems. Does that mean that I'm DONE?


There are TONS of other places that I can connect with people
and promote my business...both online and offline.

Rather than let it discourage me, I look at this situation as an opportunity
to get to know people who may not be active on FaceBook.

What challenge are YOU facing? Trust me...there IS a way around it!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes...It Just Doesn't Pay to be Nice!!

Just had an interesting experience which prompts this

Got one of those recorded phone blast messages today, which is
nothing new...I get them all the time.

You know the ones..."Saw your business on the Internet and..."

Under normal circumstances, I simply ignore them, but this
message contained "I'll put $1,000 in your pocket in 3 days"
and other such claims.

My first thought? "This prospecting method could get
this guy into real trouble if he keeps using this..."

(We are all aware of the new FTC rulings, effective next week,
right? If not, download your copy of the regulations here)

So I called him a professional courtesy...
realizing there's a possibility that some folks don't know.

Well, not only wouldn't he let me get a word in edgewise,
it was obvious that he misunderstood the reason for my call
and started yelling about me "opting in". I had no other choice
but to end the call and go back to eating my supper.
{insert BIG SIGH here}

So be it.

I love this industry and will continue trying to help as many as
possible, regardless of what company they're with...

even if the "Mr. D's" misunderstand.

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!!

P.S. Don't be fooled by thinking that if you sign with some legal
service that you're protected. You are and always will be
responsible for your own content.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

But Isn't Social Media all I Need??

Social Media is all the rage in marketing. It's hip, trendy and yes, "sexy".

Even the national news is talking about it.

Everyone wants to FaceBook and Twitter their way to success
(the two most popular sites).

But the experience of millions of marketers worldwide proves that success in social media is not duplicatable by the majority of home business owners.

Sure, there are quite a few who have built decent businesses using social media, but the basis for their success AND what is involved is often not told to the countless “newbies” who look to social media as their “magic bullet”.

There is no replacement for solid education and skill development. Without it, the average marketer is like a “kid in a candy store” not knowing where to turn or what to say. What starts out looking like n easy method of marketing ends up being chaos and confusion.

And let's not forget...trendy today is passe tomorrow

Please don’t misunderstand. Social media is a great place to build relationships and find those who may become customers/associates in the future…if used properlyAND if supported with solid training.

Social media, like DVD’s and brochures, is a TOOL. It works well in the hands of those that take the time to get the training and develop their skills.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We're All Chasing Something

A few days ago, I wrote a note about our dog, Jack,
chasing his tail.

(If you missed it, you can see it here)

We're all chasing something, you know.

A man...a woman...a career...
A vision...a dream...freedom...


The vast majority of Network/Internet Marketers
seem to be chasing money in one form or another.

You know...
The six-figure INCOME
The fancy CAR
The big HOUSE
The lavish VACATIONS

Think about it...You KNOW it's true!!

What about YOU?
Are you chasing money??

You enrolled in your company for $XX.00
Got your "Business in a Box"
Became a "product of the product"
Followed the plan and hoped for the best


This NEW COMPANY promised 4-figures your first month
And six-figures??
That's gonna be easy-peasy!!
So you shell out $XXX.00 - $XX,000.00
(gotta make sure you're qualified for everything, you know)

Then there are the autoships or the monthly services
and the websites...
buying leads...
renting rooms for meetings...
and on...
and on...
and on.

All in the pursuit of money.

Just how much has the pursuit of money cost YOU?

How much money would you say you lost to your
credit card or out of your wallet??

How long have you chased money?
Did you catch it??
Or did you lose it?

Be honest with yourself...

How much has it cost YOU?

I've heard horror stories...
Everything from maxed out credit cards
to Bankruptcy and destroyed lives!!

Here's some wisdom:
The more you chase money, the more it eludes you.


The more you chase money, the more it eludes you.'s OK
Most of us have gone through it to some extent…
The good news is that we have to go through it to come out the other side.


When you chase Wisdom…you can't lose!!!

You say, "But I need money, Cathie."

Let me say it again…
When you chase Wisdom…you can't lose!!!

How come??

Because when you pursue wisdom, everything you learn
impacts every little aspect of your life…
You CAN’T lose!!! :) :)

How much can you afford to lose chasing money??

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." (Proverbs)

Bottom line......

Seek Wisdom.

Become part of a mastermind group. If you'll look
closely, you'll find that's something successful people
do, including Ben Franklin, Joe Schroeder, Napoleon Hill,
and Caesar.

You are welcome to join us!

We're a Mastermind Group, a community of free thinkers who
swap ideas and energy with each other in the pursuit of Wisdom.

We are Good News Mechants and Soldiers of Prosperity.

We believe in the principles that made this country GREAT!

We believe:
Change your mind…
Change your income…
Change your life!

We are The Million Mind March!

Read the "Fight Agreement" and join The March here

Listen to the 24 hour Recorded Message:
1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10

We're looking for people who are looking for us...

Is that you??

Call me if you need me

Ask for your Free Booklet

2 CD's and a Booklet - The Mechanics of Wealth
Just pay the shipping and handling

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Picture is Worth...

In this case, MORE than a thousand words!

Your attitude towards life defines not only who you are,
but the quality of life you are after!

Whatever it is that has been bugging you
doesn't seem so bad anymore, does it?

If only we ALL could have the attitude this little boy has!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Listen to Your Mama…Watch Your Mouth!

Ever notice the way powerful people talk?

I mean true leaders
Not self-proclaimed gurus and know-it-alls

My mentor tells me to look for commonalities among the “big dogs”

Notice the way they all talk.

There MUST be something to it!

We speak our world into existence…

Joe Schroeder says,

“What you speak about comes about”
“What you argue for, you get to keep”

What are YOU arguing for?

Poverty, struggle and failure?

“Come on, Cathie,” you say… NOBODY argues for that!”


When was the last time you said….

“I’m not good at that”

“I can’t do this, because…”

“I can’t afford to…”

or my personal non-favorite

“I can’t change, I’ve always been this way”


The minute you start talking about your fears and worries…

Your poverty and lack…

Or your inabilities…..

You’re DONE!!

Ever notice how REAL LEADERS talk?


….Listen better than they speak

….Make you feel special, safe

….Focus on YOU

….Speak INCREASE into you

….Don’t engage in gossip

and the biggie…


I didn’t always understand this

(Although I’m sure some inherently do)

But it IS something that I’ve learned.. still learning, to be honest.

Hanging with people who help me

“Watch my mouth” really helps!

We get together every week,

Speak LIFE and LOVE and INCREASE into each other….


CELEBRATE each other just for BEING!

The cool thing is that you are invited to come hang with us!!!

You might like us...

…… might not…and that’s ok (really)

(Everyone should have a mastermind group, but not
every mastermind group is for everyone)

Hop on and see what you think

Every MONDAY @ 9:27 pm Eastern

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Change your mind…

Change your income…

Change your life!


Ask me for your Free booklet today

The Mechanics of Wealth - 2 CD's and booklet
Click here

1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10
24 hr. recorded message

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Amazing Video

My good friend and colleague, Jason Nagel,
made this video.

Please consider it a statement
an invitation to JOIN US!!

Change your mind...

Change your income...

Change your LIFE!!

75% won't understand...that's ok.

But for the 25% that get it...

YOUR transformation can begin with 2CD's and a booklet

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Houston...We Have Lift Off!!"

Did you know that the largest percentage of
a rocket's fuel is used just to get the thing off the ground?

And that once it breaks free from the Earth's atmosphere,
it uses very little energy to stay on course?

Hmmmm...this could apply to our businesses, as well

Think with me for a moment...

When you began, your objective was to get things moving
To "lift off", so to speak.

So there you were...on the launching pad...
sputtering and spurting every now and then

You launched......


Maybe you did it......maybe you broke free!

Good for YOU!! :)


What if nothing really happened?
Or it started and fizzled?

And you find that you're still there?
On the launching pad...

What now?

What you need is FIRE
Fire to get off the ground and get your momentum going.

Fire takes FUEL...good fuel...

Fuel in the form of solid training

Good training that will give you the critical skills
and the mindset you need to finally break free

If I may ask...

What kind of fuel are YOU using?

Are you "fueling up" regularly
and getting the quality training you need?

Is your training igniting a fire under you?


Then I have GOOD NEWS for you!!

You CAN get that kind of training!

Leaders Club offers a 7 Day Trail for a dollar that
includes access to the largest audio archive in the
industry plus a seven day course highlighting 32 specific
key points for your business.

We're not talking major commitment here...
one week, one buck.

Like it...stick around

Don't like it...that's ok. At least you were able to get
some good, solid information while you were there.

Then, every Tuesday night at 9 pm Eastern
Industry leader, well-known teacher and my good friend,
Diane Hochman, offers solid training that's FREE
and open to the public. Just dial in to
passcode 9774024#

So there you go...

A couple of good options for you, but
whatever you do, get good, solid training!

And remember that most of your energy will be spent
getting things hang in there and be consistent.

Develop your skills and before you know it...

" (insert YOUR name here) , We have LIFT OFF!!"



P.S. There's also my Free Tips, Tools and Training Newsletter :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cowboy Marketing

What can anyone learn from a cowboy?
I guess it depends on who the cowboy is.

If he's someone who's walked through it all and come out on top,
Just might be he can teach you a thing or two.

And if he happens to be the legendary Joe Schroeder---

Well, just ask Josh Peak......or Mike Dillard...
or Tim Berger...... or Diane Hochman....
or any of the other big names
who've been blessed to sit at his campfire
Listening to him share wisdom and TRUTH.

Want a sample?

Listen to this 24 hour Recorded Message
1-800-772-9781 ext. 10
You'll see what I mean.


I'm inviting you to a VERY SPECIAL CALL
See, we have private, inner circle calls...
We get to hang out with Cowboy Joe and listen as
his widsom falls on us like a refreshing summer shower


YOU are invited!!

Joe says it's cool to bring buddies
So head on over to the campfire and set a spell

We start chewing the fat at 9:00 Eastern
1-641-594-7000 PIN 60088#

It's alright...just tell Joe I invited you

Cowboys blazed the trails that made this country great...

Thank God for cowboys!!

What can YOU learn from a cowboy??

Could just be something that will:
Change your mind
Change your income
Change your life




Sign up for my Free Tools, Tips & Training

Get your Free Package from Joe...The Mechanics of Wealth

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rin-Tin-Tin…Lik-M-Aid…Old Glory…

How cool was that German Shepherd??

And what about the playground filled with kids sticking their
red or purple or green tongues out for their friends to see?

Back then, they told us how great this country was.
How we could rise to any challenge.
That we could do anything…BE anything.

With hands over our hearts, “I pledge allegiance…”

Standing in awe as the flag waved and the sound of our
National Anthem washed over us…giving us goose bumps
and bringing tears to our eyes

Tears of joy because we were blessed to live in the
greatest country on Earth!

The American Spirit moved through all of us.

We were confident, we were pioneers and we were FREE!!


I do.

Do you still stand when our anthem plays?

Does it still thrill you to see our flag wave in the breeze?

Does your heart beat a little stronger and do you stand
a little taller when you hear the strains of
“O’ beautiful for spacious skies…”

I still believe in the American Spirit

I still believe that we can achieve anything

I still believe in our country, her ideals and her people.

Call me sappy, call me old fashioned
But call me a PATRIOT!

What about you?

Saddened by recent events?, too!


If you’re like me and you believe honest,
hardworking people can make a difference

If you KNOW this country of ours is still great

Come hang out with our community of doers and thinkers
known as the Million Mind March

A community where YOU are celebrated.

A community committed to demonstrating the values
we grew up with.

Led by the legendary Joe Schroeder, we march together as one.
We are Good News Merchants and Soldiers of Prosperity.

Join us EVERY MONDAY at 9:27 pm Eastern
641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

We believe in America and we believe in YOU!



Free Tools, Tips & Training

The Mechanics of Wealth

Free WordPress Clinic

Friday, October 9, 2009

Living in Possibility

How many times has someone asked,

What’s holding you back?

Excellent question!

For many of us, we’re caught up in the “yeah, but…” mentality

That mindset focuses on the roadblocks

The problems

The limitations

Indulge me for a moment and consider that this is where your
business (and perhaps even your life) breaks down.

Try this one on…

A breakdown cannot appear WITHOUT
the possibility of a breakthrough!

In other words, the “block” could not appear
unless there was something beyond it.

Think about that for a moment.


I mean really stop reading and think about that.

I’ll wait.



Now I’d like to suggest that every “breakdown”
presents the possibility for a breakthrough.

(Great, Cathie! Thanks for the philosophical mumbo-jumbo.
What good does that do me TODAY?)

I hear you. Hang with me for a minute…

I’d like you to consider living in POSSIBILITY

The possibility of who you really are

The possibility of having what you really want

The possibility of living the life of your dreams!

Here’s the thing……

We all have a voice in our head that tells us what our limits are,
why it won’t work, how foolish we look, etc.

(“What voice? What is she talking about?
I don’t have a voice in my head.”)

Yup…that’s the one! :) :)

Perhaps today you could look past the limits that
voice talks about and see how that voice is focused on the past

Maybe today you could try the future on for size
and live in possibility.

The great author, Napoleon Hill said that
what the mind can concieve, it can achieve.




What a glorious thought!!!



It’s all about your mindset. The Mechanics of Wealth will rock

your world. Just tell Joe that I sent you.

Free Tools, Tips and Training

Free WordPress Clinic

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I couldn't have said it better myself...

Came across this Tony Robbins video and just HAD to post it.

Let me know how I can help you.



Sign up for my free tools, tips and training

How would you like a free booklet sent to your home?

The Mechanics of Wealth

Got a dollar? Get the 7 Day Course for your business

Monday, September 28, 2009

You may say I'm a dreamer...

You're the one the teachers criticized for being a "dreamer"

You weren't picked for the team
Maybe you couldn't even get a date for the Prom.
Cause you're different

You're not like everyone else.

They told you to sit down and be quiet...
and you said,
"BUT WHY?? I have something to say!"

You didn't fit in with any of the crowds
(and most of the time, you still don't)

Heck, half the time,
You didn't fit in with your own family!!

You were always the "odd ball"
The "wierdo"
The "black sheep of the family"
The outcast.

NO??? NOT SO???

Here's the TRUTH:
75% of you can't relate to a word I'm saying
And that's don't have to read anymore of this

For the other 25% of you.......

You KNOW you're different...
Created for something in particular
You're searching for something that resonates in your soul
"THEY" still try to put you down
(It's cause they just don't understand!!)

We MUST be ourSELVES...
There's a song inside of us that HAS to be sung!!

Maybe that part of you has been pushed down so far
you don't consciously realize it's still there anymore...

But it is

It always will be!

You were born for greatness

In those quiet, dark, middle of the night moments...
When it's only you...alone in the stillness...
It pulls at you...tugs at your heart...
You feel it...and sometimes...just sometimes...

Come here.
Take my hand.
Look into my eyes and you will see that I UNDERSTAND!


I am just like YOU!!

Come with me...

Spend some time with people who will celebrate you

No rules

Get the standing ovation you've been waiting for!

Walk with us

March with us!

You'll find us hanging out together every Monday night...
And you're invited to join us

Because you get it...YOU understand what I'm talking about
You're invited because you're YOU!!!

EVERY MONDAY at 9:27 pm EST.

Join us on The Million Mind March call

at 641 594-7000

Pin code 600088#

Your applause is waiting.........




The Mechanics of Wealth

The REAL Truth about Network Marketing

Free tools tips and training

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What does my high school Spanish class have to do with anything?

Back in high school, our Spanish teacher introduced the class
(and me) to a 30 record set of recorded dialogs that coincided
with our text book. Wanting me to succeed, Mom bought me
a set. (wonder if she knows what she started)

I know, I’m dating myself.....I listened to those records
over and over and over again. Not only did that make me
the #1 student in Miss Gorski’s freshman class, those
recordings became such a part of me that I can still recite
the dialogs to this day...

"Oye...donde que da la biblioteca?
Alli delante. Vas ahora mismo?
Sí. Tengo que buscar un libro.
Voy contigo. Tengo que leer el periodico." forty+ years later,
Maybe I can't spell them...
(and I can STILL hear John Barnes' bass tones saying
"Paseme el pan, por favor. Y la mantequilla")

Now I don't often have the occasion to tell a Spanish-speaking
person that I have to go read a newspaper at the library...
or ask them to please pass me the bread and butter...

So what's the point?

Just this...

Those dialogs are ingrained. What I learned so many years ago
is still with me. It's a part of me.

My Spanish experience also validates the fact that repetitive
listening really works!

For years, those "in the know” have listened to recordings over
and over because it’s one of the most effective ways to learn.
Repetitious listening is how babies learn to talk, how we learn
our ABC’s, etc. (ask any advertiser how they get their slogan
into your head!)

In his book, What to Say When you Talk to Yourself,
Dr. Shad Helmstetter recommends making a recording that
addresses the areas in your life that you want to change
and play it over and over...every morning and night.
This is based on fundamental truths about the way our
subconscious minds work.

My mentor and good friend, Diane Hochman, has always been a
HUGE advocate of listening to audios (tapes, CD’s and MP3’s)
and did a 2 part video series about it awhile back. In case you’re
interested, here’s Part 1 and here’s Part 2. (She says she was
actually referred to as the “Headphone Lady” in her town! LOL)

Then this morning, I listened to Eric Worre’s vlog post for
today, and heard the same message...
“Using Audio to Re-program your Mind”

Listening to audios is the easiest way to learn anything......

and it’s EFFORTLESS!

There’s TONS of content on the Internet ready and waiting to
be downloaded into your computer and mp3 player.

But here’s the thing...

Do you have the time and/or money to go get it?

I HONESTLY hope you do.

There’s a lot of genius out there just waiting...

But if you don't, what then?

What if there was one place where you could tap into an audio
library with over 500 hours of audios on every topic you can
think of in network marketing?

What if you could download ANYTHING you wanted,
including articles, for an entire week?

What if I told you that there IS such a place,
AND that you can have access to it for a measly BUCK?

What if you decided to spend that buck in your pocket on some
solid training for yourself?


You want to succeed, right?

You KNOW there are things you need to learn…
Things you need to change.

You gonna sit there and hope the “solution” comes to you
Or spend a dollar and begin programming yourself for success?
(you know you’ve got a buck)

By the way…you’ll get other perks besides access to the
audio library, not the least of which is being part of
Diane Hochman’s private, inner circle trainings with me!

So here's the deal...

Spend a buck...don't spend a buck...

Your choice


Whatever you do, start listening and learning.

Start reprogramming your mind for success today.

You SO deserve it!

Change your mind.

Change your income.

Change your life.



THINK for a change, cause thinking will change you

Get free news, tips and training

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Murphy Chose Me

We rescued him when he was only 6 weeks old

The plan was to surprise my mom for Mother’s Day

Her dog had been gone over two years.

So I didn’t want to get attached, you know?


Murphy chose me.

He constantly crawled into my lap...

Put his tiny paws on my chest

And looked up at me with his sweet, puppy eyes.

I’d put him down.

He’d crawl into my lap again.


Again...and again...

and AGAIN!

If you ask my kids…especially my son Jonathan…

Murphy is their dog.

But like I said...

Murphy chose me!!

He’s always slept close to me

Laid near me wherever I happen to be…

In the kitchen, at the computer, in the garden…

Doesn’t matter.

Cause I’m his “person”…he chose me

Murphy is getting pretty old now.

Going on 14…which means he’s in his 90’s

Very old for a larger breed.

His face is getting whiter

His hearing is not what it used to be


At times takes MAJOR effort to get up

when he’s been lying down.

Like yesterday.

His feeble legs were just NOT cooperating

And try as he might, they just didn’t want to lift him up.


I had walked into my study and sat down at the computer.

He HAD to respond to that urge inside…

He MUST be where I was!

I heard a strange noise and I looked......

There’s Murphy, on his belly......

Working his legs for all he’s worth

to pull him forward across the floor

To bring him to the object of his life-long obsession…


He couldn’t NOT keep going

The urge in the middle of his puppy-ness was too strong.

Despite the struggle.

Despite the pain.

Despite the obstacles in his way

(which in this case was our other dog, Jack)

He knew, that he knew, that he knew

that he BELONGED with me!

Good lesson.


Join me in the Private Classroom for Network Marketers.
Tools, training, discussions and much more!

Mechanics of Wealth free offer
Just tell Joe that I sent you.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Think Different

A good friend shared this video with me and it speaks volumes...

I just HAD to post it!

We're the crazies...the ODDBALLS

We MARCH to the beat of a different drummer

We're not for everyone,


If you've never "fit in"...

If they've said you that you were different.....

or wierd...

If you've never been celebrated


JOIN US!!!!!

Change your thinking...
Change your income...
Change your life...
Change the WORLD!!

75% won't even know what I'm talking about

But if you're one of the 25% who do...

What are you waiting for?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hanging Upside Down in the Dark Could be a GOOD Thing

Nature is truly amazing, isn’t it?
If we keep our eyes…
and our minds…

Take the caterpillar, for instance…

Its only job is to take in nourishment…
Digest it...
And grow.
(It’s slow moving, too.)

Then one day…

Something deep inside of him says.....

it’s TIME!!!

Time to get to work.
Time to use all he’s taken in…



So he stops crawling around
From leaf
To leaf...
And gets busy doing




Show the world what he already is!!!

Doesn’t look like much from the outside,
does it?

But inside……

Day and night
Sunny or stormy

CHANGE is taking place!!!!!!!!!!

Even though no one can see it
(Except God and the caterpillar, that is)

Hanging tenuously from a branch............
The caterpillar is doing his life’s work.


In the dark.

By himself.

He KNOWS that no one else can do it for him.

Then one day....

One MAGICAL day........

All that hard work pays off!!
All that time working alone


Hanging upside down in the dark

Was worth it!

His Life Mission is accomplished
He emerges...


Takes flight!

He’s done what he was born to do…



Seems to me there’s a lesson for us here...

FEED your mind (take on nourishment)
And even though no one can see......YET
Even though you’re alone...
Keep working (APPLY what you’ve learned)

I know, I know........
It's not going fast enough for you

And besides........

It’s no fun hanging upside down in the dark!!!!!!!!


Deep Inside......

You KNOW what you were born to do!
So keep at it!

Despite the ridicule
In the face of struggle
And nagging fears

Because you know
that you KNOW!

Just like that caterpillar…

BE who you already are
DO what you’re born to do
HAVE what you’ve always desired…


BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking for a great place to feed your mind?

Come hang with us!

Just tell 'em I sent you! ;)



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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"When the student is ready..."


Don't know about you, but
I've been working all summer
and now
there's only 3 months left in 2009!!

Was thinking about 3 months ago...
How quickly the time passed!!
Thinking about June...
When I began my 90 day plan.

I didn't know much about marketing online then...
Except running free ads.

Now, I have over 10,000 followers on Twitter...
Four (count 'em) FOUR! capture pages
I'm starting on my THIRD blog


My list is growing daily!!!!!!

Who'dve thunk?

So how does that happen?
I got some serious mentoring and training.


Quit looking for that newer, better, step-by-step system
FINALLY dug in and learned what I needed to know.

I know, I know... Some of you are probably thinking,
"Big hairy deal!"
Many of you think it's all about videos,
and tools to analyze this and figure out that...

Or maybe throw a bunch of money out there
and have someone else do it all for you.

Spend money for new systems; the latest, greatest tools;
fancy websites; ebooks; outsourcing...the list goes on.



I want to be in control of my list!
I want to tweek my capture pages.
Good, bad or indifferent, I want to write my own blog!

What about YOU?

Sure, I needed someone to point me in the right direction...
Someone to teach me HOW to do it,
But not to do it for me!

I wanted to learn......
REALLY learn....


"When the student is ready..."

So I'll ask again....

What about YOU??
Got a 90 day plan in place?
Is starting a blog part of it?

Does the thought of putting together a blog
make your head spin?

Do you want to learn how to do it?


"Watch" as I build a new blog.
Learn how to do it as day by day,
Something new is added...
Problems are ecountered...
Figured out...
And discussed.

It will be interactive. :)

Oh, Yes! And FREE!! :) :)

The Big Dogs insist you MUST have your own blog...

Sign up here to be notified when classes begin.

Want to call your own shots?

Today is September 1st.........
This might be your LAST CHANCE
to get ready for the new decade!



Whatever you do, REMEMBER...

Want to train with my teachers?
Get a one week trial for a buck that includes
32 Specific Things to Build Your Business...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fancy Video Got me Thinking...

I watched a video online today

OK, that’s something I do quite a bit,
So what was so special about this one?

It was done by a couple of big name, Big Dogs
(you may have even seen it)

In the opening scene, they spoke about the hotel
Mr. Biggest was using to shoot videos, etc. and why.
Impressive scenery, nice rooms, great pool…

All rented for a price so the shots will look good.

Nothing wrong with that…it’s called MARKETING

But I started to think…

How many people get drawn in because of the scenery,
the pool, the cars, the websites, etc.

How many hook their cherished dreams to a rented set?

Do the nice settings and fancy cars work?

Of course. That’s why marketers use them!

And like I said……there’s nothing wrong with that.

What IS wrong is leading honest, hardworking people
to believe that it’s “EASY”

That they can be “IN THE MONEY” or have
a “MASSIVE DOWNLINE” if they would just
fork over the cost of the “latest greatest system”.


Does Network Marketing work?


It’s the best industry out there!!!


Can you have lasting, honest success without effort?

Sorry, doesn’t happen.
(Ask anyone who makes $2500/month or more residually)

There is no magic system, no plug and play, no turn key…

If you want to make it happen,
You’re going to HAVE to put in some effort.

Effort in learning your company and its pay plan.

Effort in practicing your presentation over and over (and over).

Effort in training.

Effort in THINKING.

Effort in DAILY activity
(and no, that doesn’t mean sitting on Facebook and Twitter all day)

It takes more effort than money. Many highly successful
people started with nothing, but put forth the effort...
and ALL highly successful people have done the necessary
training, learning, and daily activities.

You CAN build an honest business.

You CAN build a stable business.

You CAN be here in 10 years!!

You CAN make it happen

It just depends on how badly YOU want it.

The question is.......

Will you get up and DO it??

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I have seen this video several times,
but today I was reminded of it again.

I get fired up every time I hear this
well known Art Williams speech!!

Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Non-Renewable Resource

Renewable resources. We hear it everywhere. We see it wherever we look. “Go green…” they say. We’re all talking about “carbon footprints” and “global warming” and “eco-friendly” and “recycled” this and “recycled” that.

But few are those who stand at their podiums talking about
the most precious of all resources.

One we all have.

The one that is NOT renewable…


Some food for thought from a 200+ year-old book:

I stopped my horse…where a great number of people were collected at an auction of merchant’s goods. The hour of the sale not being come, they were conversing on the badness of the times; and one of the company called to a plain, clean, old man, with white locks, “pray, father Abraham, what think you of the times? Will not those heavy taxes quite ruin the country? How shall we ever be able to pay them? What would you advise us to do?”

Sounds a lot like us today, doesn’t it? Standing around, waiting for what we hope to get, complaining amongst ourselves about the government, taxes, high prices, our upline, our downline (or lack thereof), etc.

The old man stood up and replied…

“If you would have my advices…the taxes are, indeed, very heavy, and if those laid on by the government were the only ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them; but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly; and from these taxes the commissioners cannot ease or deliver us…”

He goes on to say that idleness “taxes” us much more than our government by wasting our time and laziness eats away at us like rust. That if we love life, that we should not squander time, because that’s “the stuff life is made of.” And if time is the most precious of all things, then not using what’s given us must be the greatest waste of all. For “lost time is never found again…”

What has this to do with our businesses and us?


Spend time calling leads…or talking/complaining with friends?

Spend time educating yourself on the industry…or watching your favorite TV show?

Spend time applying what you’ve learned…or thinking about it?

I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

When I “don’t feel like” doing what I know I need to do…

When I labor at something trying to “get it right” when I’ve never even done it before…

When fear or frustration wants to stop me dead in my tracks…

I remember that TIME it the one resource I have that is

Use YOUR time wisely and make it a great day!!


Sign up for my tips and training:

Train with me and my mentor!
Get a one week trial for less than a buck!

By the way…the story above can be found in Ben Franklin’s
"The Way to Wealth"…great little book!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Tough Questions

One of the best conversations I had with one of my mentors
was the day she got on my case a bit...

Honestly, I needed it!!

As a result, I asked myself some tough questions…

Am I doing as much as I can to put myself out there?

Can I be seen and heard above the rest?

If not…why not?

What can I do differently or more of?

Was I doing something on a daily basis?

Honest questions.

They deserved honest answers.

I knew I could do more to
make my voice heard!

I didn’t have all the answers yet,
but I knew I wouldn’t find them by waiting
for them to "arrive" on my doorstep.


I could hear one of my other mentor's voices
saying, "you don't have to get it right,
you just have to get it going!"


I am obligated to share what I know about
this industry…about the practical stuff
that makes a difference.

And what I have learned, I’ll share.


What’s keeping you from the success you want?

What is your “excuse of the day”?

What causes you to "shut down"?

What do you think you need to move forward?

Ask yourself the tough questions. (there are others)

Be honest with yourself.

Then DO something about it!

I did!!!

To your future,



P.S. Don’t know where to start?
Call me or email me at
I'm happy to help you.

Get my free tools and tips!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


As some of you might know, I am a member
of the organization known as the
Million Mind March.

We're a mastermind group.

We learn to think...

We speak increase into our lives and
the lives of others.

We become
"Ten Feet Tall and Bulletproof"

And we bury the words, "I can't"


My friend John posted this poem
entitled, "Can't" which speaks to the
spirit of our organization.

I HAD to share it with you!

by Edgar A. Guest

Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs us of courage we need through the day:
It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.

Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror and half-hearted work;
It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
And makes of the toiler an indolent shirk.
It poisons the soul of the man with a vision,
It stifles in infancy many a plan;
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And mocks at the hopes and the dreams of a man.

Can't is a word none should speak without blushing;
To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
It blights a man's purpose and shortens his aim.
Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
Refuse it the lodgment it seeks in your brain;
Arm against it as a creature of terror,
And all that you dream of you some day shall gain.

Can't is the word that is foe to ambition,
An enemy ambushed to shatter your will;
Its prey is forever the man with a mission
And bows but to courage and patience and skill.
Hate it, with hatred that's deep and undying,
For once it is welcomed 'twill break any man;
Whatever the goal you are seeking, keep trying
And answer this demon by saying:

"I CAN!"

Till next time



P.S. Come hang out with us.

Poke around...

Set up a page for yourself.
(no charge)

We'd love to have you join us!

P.P.S. For a free booklet mailed
directly to your home,
shoot me an email at
Include your name,
mailing address and phone number

It's totally free.

I even pay the postage.

You win.


Thursday, July 16, 2009


I recently heard a story about a beautiful building
complex that was burning out of control.

It was well known for its large, enclosed courtyard with its
elaborate gardens and was nestled serenely at the foot of a hill.

Although many large fire trucks surrounded the building,
the firemen were unable to put out the blaze.

All of a sudden, a smaller fire truck crashed through
the blazing building and into the courtyard where it stopped.
The men immediately jumped off and began fighting the stubborn
flames. To everyone’s amazement, the fire was soon out.

As you might imagine, the team from that truck became instant
heroes and in appreciation for their bravery and selfless
actions, the building’s owner gave the fire department a
rather substantial contribution.

When the small fire squad was asked how they might use
the money, its Captain said…

“Well, first thing we’re going to do is
get the brakes on that truck fixed!”

Sure, the story is humorous, but it’s also thought provoking.
At times, we need to change the way we’re doing certain things.
But most of us don't like change.

Some reasons we’re reluctant to change might be…

· We’re familiar with the methods we’re using
· We would have to invest time to learn new methods
· We want someone to tell us what to do
· We’re in a hurry
· We don’t want to upset anyone or are worried what
others may think

I’m sure there are as many reasons as there are people,
but the fact remains…people resist changing.


let me ask you,

Is your business going down in flames?

Are you ready to break through the wall that’s between
you and the success you still dream of?

The tools are available, my friends,


many of them are FREE!
(shhh…don’t tell the “latest, greatest system” people I told you!)

You CAN use different methods.

You, too, can put together your own system for little to no cost.
(and make it duplicatalbe so you can teach it to
your entire organization)


Sign up for my tools, tips & training if you haven’t already.
I send the best industry secrets I can find…and let you in on
the tools that I use and reveal the stuff I ACTUALLY do myself.

While you’re at it, check out Leaders Club free online
Prospecting Lab that will show you how to use what you
already have
to grow your business.




Let's connect!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


A dear friend shared this wise philosophy with me
and so I pass it on...

Live life fully while you're here.
Experience everything.
Take care of yourself and your friends.
Have fun, be crazy, be weird.
Go out and screw up!
You're going to anyway,
so you might as well enjoy the process.
Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes:
find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.
Don't try to be perfect;
just be an excellent example of being human.

by Anthony Robbins

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fly the Plane Differently

A great story in "QBQ! The Question Behind the Question" , a book by John G. Miller, really impacted me and got me to thinking. Here’s my “Reader’s Digest version”…

A young girl we’ll call Susie and her father, David, who had his private pilot’s license, went for a ride in his single-engine Cessna one afternoon. A short time after they were in the air over a large lake, the engine quit.

David turned to his daughter and calmly told her, “The engine quit, sweetie. I’m going to have to fly the plane differently.”

Interesting way to put that, don’t you think?
“Fly the plane differently.”

For the engine to start again, the plane needed more air speed. David quickly told Susie what he would be doing to accomplish this - throwing switches, pushing and pulling levers and nosing the plane downward as he spoke. Susie simply nodded in approval.

The plane went into a dive and David continued to flip switches, but the engine didn’t start. Leveling off for a moment, he turned to Susie and said, “Honey, we’re going to have to try that again. Hang on!”

Again they went into a dive with David hitting switches as the plane’s speed increased. There was a sputter…and nothing. A few more sputters…and the engine sprang to life in time to level the plane before it hit the water.

A few minutes later, they landed safely, thanks to David’s courage and Susie’s quiet trust.

You’re probably thinking, nice story, Cathie, but what’s the point?

Simply this…

David obviously understood that new and different conditions and challenges make new and different methods and strategies necessary.

Things change. Technology, markets, people…
What worked for you last year, last month or even last week
might not work for you this time

or the next.

When you’re faced with a new situation, do you look for a different approach or tell yourself “It’s always worked that way before.”?

Let’s face it. Technology is advancing so rapidly that it can be a major challenge trying to keep pace. And the Internet has changed the face of business FOREVER, whether we want to admit it or not.

We all need to develop skills and responses that allow us to adapt when our “engine” quits running.

The great Mr. Jim Rohn says,
“Work harder on yourself than you do on your business.”


“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

Are you willing to fly your plane differently?

I am.

That's why I'm associated with Leaders' Club, the best kept secret in the industry.

Sign up for our free newsletter...

And take advantage of our other free information...

Listen to "10 Ways to Jump Your Network Marketing Business"

And be sure to grab a copy of "The 8 Greatest Challenges in Network Marketing" while you're at it.

It's all for give you the tools you help you adjust your flight pattern and fly YOUR plane differently.

Till next time...


P.S. We'll even let you access the "Members Only" area for less than a buck!

P.P.S. We’ll talk about Susie’s trust another time.