Friday, February 26, 2010

Get Rich...NO Work, NO Effort...

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that
emails like this are so popular...

"If you delete it - you will beg! - seeing is believing.


This is a money angel. Pass it to 6 of your good friends or family and be rich
in 4 days. Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 days.
I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall.
If you delete it, you will beg. Trust me!!!"

Much like the lottery, you know...

Folks looking for a way to "get RICH"

"Don't want to have to work hard"
(or even work, for that matter)

Sad, really. Don't you think?

You know...

Someone once said,

"To become a RICH man,
you must first THINK a rich man's THOUGHT."

It's difficult to picture Donald TRUMP, Bill GATES, or
Paula DEEN getting out of bed in the morning EXCITED
about which lottery game they were going to play that day...

or the good luck emails that they'd been forwarding.

No, I don't think so.

Successful people have a PASSION in their gut...

Some call it BELLY FIRE

Their focus is on what they LOVE

And what they love... becomes their LIFETYLE

75% of you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about

and that's OK

But the other 25%...

You can't stop thinking about your PASSION...

Not even for one day!!!

You lay awake at night...staring at the ceiling thinking about it

Something in the middle of you just KNOWS that you KNOW!!

You've been asking God to HELP you...

To ANSWER your prayer...

To send you something...SOMEONE to show you the way

Someone who truly UNDERSTANDS...

For YOU...

For those who KNOW what I'm talking about...

I'm holding out my hand...

Go here ...NOW!

Get the FREE stuff.

Begin turning your passion into your lifestyle...

And take the path you were BORN to walk!

Cathie Heath

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ever Sit and Stare?

You know you're supposed to be "creating value"...

That it's IMPORTANT to make sure you get
content out there...

But do you ever feel like a PHONEY cause you're throwing
together blogs, articles, videos, etc. just for the sake of

Ever sit at your computer, stare at the screen and groan,
"Ohmygosh...what the heck am I going to put out there TODAY?"

Consider this...

When you have something to say...SAY IT!

When you don't...DON'T!!

(I did a video about that awhile back that you can see here)

Let's be HONEST here...

You can spend your time scouring OTHER PEOPLE'S blogs, articles

and videos for something you can tweek a bit to make it LOOK LIKE YOURS...


You can honestly spend time feeding YOUR MIND and become your own


So now you're wondering how to do that...

  • Have an open mind

  • Be willing to spend time DAILY reading and learning material that fosters growth

  • Set aside a period of quiet for reflection and RECORDING your thoughts

  • ALWAYS carry a book or tablet to write in wherever you go to record the ideas that "come to you"

Try it for 30 days...

I think you'll SURPRISE yourself!

Click here for a free booklet to help get you started

Here's a sample of what you'll find inside:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Zen of it All...

Mark Joyner shared this story with me and I think it goes well with this video.

Just food for thought...

A zen master and his student were watching a
fox chase a rabbit.

The Zen Master asked, "Who will win?"

The student replied, "Master, of course the fox
will win, he is much faster than the rabbit and has
sharp teeth."

"No" replied the master. "The rabbit will win. The
fox is running for a meal. The rabbit is running
for his life."

What are YOU running for?

Connect to the Source of energy, run for your life, you'll
overcome every obstacle and reap the harvest.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Believe it or not...I'm NOT Pitching You!!

Had a lovely conversation with a long-time friend in the industry
about The Million Mind March yesterday (we're both members)

Talked about how much we want to share the loverage
with those we care about....

Both of us baffled because colleagues and friends
just blow us off.

I guess when you hang around this industry for awhile you begin
to think that everyone is trying to pitch their deal to you.

Well, I'm here to say that's not always the case.....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Joe Schroeder Whispered in My Ear

What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear?

(I don't know, Cathie...I've heard he's harsh)


You misunderstand.

He's speaking the Language of Kings

And he speaks TO Kings & Queens
who HEAR his word in the core of their being

And what it is...

is ruthless compassion.


What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear??

If you're smart...

The thousand voices in your head are silenced one by one...

and you're left with yourself.


And aware that you are dangerously safe.

You discover that the answer you've been searching for
has always been with you...

Because the answer IS you!

And you fall deeply in love...


What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear??

If you're listen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Time!

It's time for US...the "little people"

The truck drivers, housewives, waitresses, janitors...

It's time for us to draw a line in the sand, rise up,
train our minds and learn about the leadership in

It's time for US!!

Listen to this clip from last night's live training call...