Friday, December 31, 2010

AMAZING Recorded Message...1-800-772-9781 Ext 10... call before midnight!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

The busy Holiday weekend is over.. take time for YOURSELF.. Live Million Mind March call TONIGHT.. 9:27 PM Est..641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

*SPECIAL*..Public Call 9:27 PM est..641-594-7000 PIN 600088#...Gather your friends to make this holiday call with the Million Mind March!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Professional capture pages in less than 5 min? Yes, Virginia..there IS a tool! Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

This just in...HSBN Open House!! Tomorrow 11am-1pm Est. Register at

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New, free series, "Marketing 101", starts TOMORROW! You don't want to miss and get ready for 2011!
The official list is published!! Congrats to all the Top 50 MLM Blogs of 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yeah! It's Monday!! That means there's a Million Mind March public call tonight! 9:27 PM est 641-594-7000 PIN 600088# Won't you join us?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Got some really cool stuff coming out Thursday...
Make sure you're on my list...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Joe Schroeder says he's Houdini & the call tonight is GODZILLA meets BATMAN? What?? Find out @ 9:27 PM est...641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are you a Network Marketer...or a Network SELLER?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Free E-Book ~ Silent Power ~ Learn the "Spellbound Method" of Increase and Attraction..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Set yourself up for success in 2011...Webinar training TONIGHT with Diane Hochman…

Monday, September 20, 2010

Joe's doing his side show act tonight! You want to be there...Tonight at 9:27 PM Est 641-594-7000 PIN 600088# It's gonna be a good 'un :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just got off and AMAZING 2 hour coaching call with @dianehochman and the team...get the replay at

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RT @dianehochman Great Call TONIGHT!!! Super Simple Ways To Stay Motivated In Your Home Business 9 pm est 414 944-0004 Pass code 9774024#

Monday, July 26, 2010

Replay of the Million Mind March Call..Joe was in RARE form tonight!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Leave the Raid in the Cupboard...You WANT Bugs in Your Business!

Happened upon an article by Jim Rohn in my files today and it immediately started me thinking about Diane Hochman's "Cockroach Marketing" training.

Let me ask you a question...

Have you ever been working on a project and hit a barrier
or block that stopped your progress?

I have...many times.

You know, you're humming along, and all of a sudden you reach a point where you're at the end of your knowledge base, don't have access to a tool or the technology you think you need, the money to buy something, etc.

That's the time you need "bugs" in your business! 

Mr. Rohn and Mrs. Hochman each have their own unique way of describing this concept, and the
two blended together create a premier marketing philosophy that, if followed, can lead to success and  abundance...all that you envision.

To get the mp3 of the "Cockroach Marketing" training just enter your name and email address below

And please enjoy Mr. Rohn's article....

The Ant Philosophy
By Jim Rohn

I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy.

Here’s the first part: Ants never quit. That’s a good philosophy. If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop the, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under, they’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That’s an important perspective. You can’t be so naïve as to think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of summer.

The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, “This won’t last long – we’ll soon be out of here.” And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they’ll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can’t wait to get out.

And here’s the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the “all-you-possibly-can” philosophy.

WOW! What a great philosophy to have…the ant philosophy.

Never give up, look ahead, stay positive, & do all you can.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Think cust. service is gone? Told a company about something annoying on their site..30min later got email AND it was fixed! Cause I ASKED!!
Extreme Makeovers Tonight! Are YOU up for it?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is working from home the right choice for YOU?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Want the REAL (and current) scoop on using Social Media??

Procrastination (sometimes) Pays Off!

Under normal circumstances, I don’t recommend procrastination

We know that letting things go, putting things off etc. is not a good habit to get into.

We’re told to “strike while the iron is hot”…”opportunity knocks but once”…

You know, all those wonderful clichés that make us feel guilty when we decide to do it “tomorrow”

But once in a blue moon…which, if you check, happens only once every 2 – 3 years…procrastination actually pays off!

This, dear reader, is one of those times.

I know you’ve heard about (maybe even listened to) the marketing legend, Joe Schroeder.

He’s quite a guy…very uncommon…and not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s OK.

But the one thing that you can’t deny is that he’s a marketing genius! (just ask Mike Dillard and Diane Hochman)

Here’s the thing…

You know that Mechanics of Wealth package that I’ve been telling you to get?

The one you’ve been putting off ordering?

Well, Joe and I were talking yesterday afternoon and he told me that over the next month or so, he’s gonna be sending all kinds of neat stuff to the people that order it.

CD’s, booklets, postcards, etc. All stuff to help YOU with YOUR marketing…both online and offline.

And the best part…
No charge! Zip! Zilch! Nada!

Knowing Joe as I do, if I were YOU, and hadn’t ordered the Mechanics of Wealth package yet, I’d head on over to The Million Mind March to get it ASAP…like today!

Just $12.95 shipping for the CD’s and booklet…and now, all those extras mailed to your house over the next month and a half!

Procrastination pays only once in a blue moon…don’t put this one off!

BTW...Don’t forget to put my name, Cathie Heath, in the comment box so I can send you a very special audio training. Free, of course!

Oh! And in case you were wondering, I don’t make a cent from Joe’s Mechanics of Wealth package. As a matter of fact, neither does Joe!!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stellar Call! The @hsbw team shared their content secrets! Get the replay at
Stumped? Super Simple Content Ideas..@hsbw shares Sources for blogs, articles, & videos Tonight at 9p est

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

OK...the link to the replay was broken...the correct one is
OOOPS!! Here's the broken link for the replay of the call...
That call defies description! Amazing..powerful..@JohnMiltonFogg singing to WANT the replay of THIS ONE!
I uploaded a YouTube video -- The Future of Marketing
Tonight's the Night! @JohnMiltonFogg + @HSBW..Super Simple Business Communication..Only 200 Lines..Dial in Early! Details..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 234th Birthday, AMERICA!!!!
Tues 9pm est Super Simple Business Communication training with @HSBW & @JohnMiltonFogg - Call early Only 200 lines 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#

Quick Tip Saves Editing Time

Splitting audio and video files can be challenging and time consuming.

Shortly after I began doing videos I came up with a little trick, and
using this technique will allow you to edit your files in a fraction of the time.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Get EXCITED! Special Guest..John Milton Fogg Tuesday..Super Simple Marketing Communication..9 p est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024 Dial in Early!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Big is YOUR Elephant?

That may seem a bit odd to you, but the humble elephant has been used in quite a few analogies…

The elephant in the middle of the room…

The chain around the elephant’s leg…

And the one I'll talk about here…

How do you eat an elephant?

Of course, we know the answer to that one is
“One Bite at a time”, right?

But I’d like to suggest that before that first bite is attempted, you must cut it up first.  The bites must be made more manageable.

So I ask you again…

How big is your elephant?

The size of your elephant, or goal or challenge, will determine how long it will take to cut it into pieces and “eaten.”

Let me explain what I mean…

Let’s assume that your goal is to reach a $100,000 annual income.

That’s your “elephant”.

Your next step is to determine what your business will look like when you’re at that level.

Really break it down.

How many retail sales, how many people working for you (or in your downline), costs of doing business at that level, profit margins or bonuses and residuals…there’s more, but you get the idea.

Now work backwards.

Cut it in half, quarters, etc. until you reach the increment that you can REALISTICALLY see yourself doing in the next 30 days. This will take time, determination and being really straight with yourself, but once you get to what you can honestly see yourself accomplishing in the next 30 days, break it down into weekly and finally into daily target activities.

Those are the things you need to do each and every day
WITHOUT FAIL in order to reach to your ultimate goal.

Following these steps can reveal approximately how long it will take you to reach your goal as well.

In our example of $100,000, if in a year you can get to $25,000 (and this is net income, don’t forget), then it will take 4 years of consistent effort to reach your goal.

One warning, however...many business owners spend hours, even days, breaking down their long term goal into short term goals, manageable steps, and daily actions...then DON’T TRACK their activities and results!!

Be sure to use some kind of tracking system (even if it’s notations on a calendar page) to record what's actually going on.

Without tracking, you’ll have no way to gauge your progress and could end up becoming discouraged.

In a nutshell...
  • Determine the size of your ultimate, long-term goal
  • Work backwards, breaking it into honestly manageable daily activities
  • Track your activities and results
 So…How big is your elephant?

Using this method, it doesn’t matter.
You can have it cut into bite sized pieces in no time!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sign up to receive FREE mp3 downloads of @HSBW 's Super Simple Series before Sat. and get a BONUS training audio..

Increase Your Recognition...Naturally

Natural, human tendencies can increase your exposure, recognition and "likability" when you take the time to pay attention to others.
Marketing "Secret" is everywhere! Super Simple Marketing Funnel training TONIGHT..Create yours tomorrow 9p est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
AMAZING @HSBW call tonight! FREE training.. Super Simple Marketing Funnels.. 9pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# You WANT to be there..

Monday, June 28, 2010

AMAZING @HSBW team call tonight! Tuesday's free training.. Super Simple Marketing Funnels.. is gonna ROCK! 9pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#

Do Sparrows Have an MBA?

Very often, watching what occurs in nature holds valuable lessons for us.

The sparrows in my back yard demonstrated a very important discipline for business...and life!
He's lost his marbles! 1-800-772-9781 EXT 10

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Internet is Just Another Business Tool

When my new camera arrived (the Kodak Zi8 I blogged about last week), I found myself thinking about the tools we all use every day...including the Internet.

The Internet might be a  valuable tool, but it's just that...a tool.

The same business and marketing principles apply online as offline.

Without a working knowledge of marketing psychology and what triggers us to move on something, the Internet can be as ineffective as a poorly written classified ad.

Be Consistent! An Important Concept Learned from Water Lilies

Understanding how water lilies grow can help during those times when it seems like nothing is happening in your business. This video describes a parallel between water lilies and business.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Be Heard By Listening

It doesn't matter how incredible your product, service, or YOU are if you aren't communicating effectively with others. This quick video takes a look at listening...the #1 skill needed for effective communication.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Have YOU Agreed To?

Based on ancient wisdom, The Four Agreements reveals the source of the self-limiting beliefs that keep us from living happy, fulfilled lives and can actually create needless suffering.

In this clearly written book, Don Miguel Ruiz explores the concept of domestication, or the way we've been "trained," so to speak, suggesting that we all have a mental image of how we should be in order to be accepted by others...that simply being OURSELVES is the biggest fear we have.

This book is not only inspiring but is filled with powerful lessons that anyone on the path to wisdom and a more fulfilled life can use. It's available in both hardcover and paperback at Amazon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

There's a REASON it's a Best Seller! New Post at Better Networker
Do you have the habits that will bring YOU success?
You're in the game...but do you know the rules??

Friday, June 18, 2010

Those Kodak Moments Can Pay...Literally!!

If you're like many marketers, you've included pictures in your blog posts and/or used other online photo applications from time to time which brought you to to upload your pictures, share them, get URL's for them, etc...

Now all those pictures that you upload to Flickr…

You know, the ones of your kids and grandkids, pets, vacation scenes, special events and the like…

Those pictures that you share with others and brag about might soon become an additional income stream for you.

Getty Images, in partnership with Flickr, has been tapping into the rich pictorial resource provided by Flickr’s 40 million users for the past two years. News reports that over 100,000 pictures taken by both pros and semi pros have been given the nod in that time.

Flickr’s general manager, Douglas Alexander, was quoted as saying
“Flickr users are the eyes of the world…the extension of this partnership is a testament to the talent of our Flickr community…we want to provide a platform for our members so they can get their work out there to the largest possible audience.”
It seems that the major appeal to stock photo companies such as Getty, is that sites like Flickr offer an eclectic collection of photographs from around the planet…not just from North America and Europe.

In addition to enhancing the diversity of their offerings by a wide margin, Nick Evans-Lombe, Getty’s COO, also sites the inherent authenticity of the photos…that were not taken for commercial purposes…as a huge asset to the collection. He describes them as being, “more gritty,” which no doubt makes them more appealing.

By simply opting into the program, now all Flickr users will be able to access this potential income stream which can conceivably allow Getty access to a cache of over four billion photos.

For details and to read the report in its entirety, click here.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Affordable Equipment for Making Online Videos..

Watch out, YouTube!

Don't know if you've noticed a distinct absence of videos from me recently, but I began having some really nasty audio problems. 

Realizing the day I've anticipating for awhile now had arrived, I plunged into researching video cameras to find the one best suited for me and my purposes.

After spending hours engaged in online, I mean study...I called my friend, Wes Hazlitt.  In my opinion, Wes has some of the best videos out there, and I hoped he'd have the information I needed. 

He did!

Based on his recommendation and some very desireable features, I just ordered my new camera, the Kodak raspberry, no less!!

Given my recent issues with sound on my videos, one feature that especially appealed to me had to be that the Zi8 has a port for an external microphone, which would allow for better control of the sound quality.

My Choice? I wanted a lapel mic, and while I found a few that I felt would do the job, I ended up purchasing the  AZDEN EX503  for under $30.00.

I'm excited to see the results...can't wait til my camera and microphone arrive next week!!

So WATCH OUT, You Tube...Here I Come!!

PS - It comes in black, too! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our Badge of Honor

On last night's public call, Joe Schroeder read from Meditations by Marcus Aruelius Caesar...
"Staying on his path was his badge of honor."

What most people just don't get is what it takes to stay on the path!

To continue on through all the muck, the battles, the drudgery

To hold the dream, the vision, until it becomes reality

Even when everything you touch, everything see with your eyes and hear with your ears contradicts what you believe...

What you KNOW in your heart

To hold the dream EVEN THEN!!

It seems everyone wants to do some "Great Work", not realizing that God's glory is manifest in the small and the seemingly mundane

The very Power of Universe is in the details...
the so-called "drudgery" of life

Oswald Chambers, in his book, My Utmost for His Highest wrote,
"The great that we will look for big things to do. (even)  Jesus took a towel and began to wash the disciples' feet."
And so in FAITH

We DO NOT ALLOW our feet take stray from the path to our divine assignments

And we perservere UNTIL...

Then the blessing comes...

Our visions become reality

and that's OUR Badge of Honor!

Monday, June 14, 2010

TONIGHT is our open freedom revival call 9:27 PM EST 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#..Open MIND Revival Please bring 100+ friends..
Join us Tuesday @ 9 pm Est for a Free Training on SUPER SIMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA :) FB
Adobe Urging Software Update..

Adobe Critical Security Flaw Fixed - Update Your Software

Last week I told you that BBC’s website reported that Adobe had acknowledged a critical security flaw in their Flash and Reader software and were rushing to get it fixed ASAP. now reports that the bug, found in early June after some targeted attacks, has been fixed. A security update package is now available that repairs 32 vulnerabilities.

Adobe is urging all its software users to update their software as soon as possible.

Updates for Adobe’s Reader and Acrobat programs will be released the end of this month which will address flaws that may allow PDF’s to be booby-trapped.

To read the article in it’s entirety, click here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blogger Add-On Links to Your Amazon Account

Quick tutorial video shows how simple it is to install a Blogger add-on that links directly to the website.

Great way for Amazon affiliates to monetize their blog posts quickly and easily...and assures the correct link every time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

New post at Better Networker...

GAP Yourself!

Many people sit on their hands because they "don't know what to write/talk about". They claim that they don't have any ideas for a blog post or a video.

I would like to challenge those who have allowed themselves to sit and stare as others pass them by to consider this...

You don't have an IDEA have a RECORDING problem!

Sorting through some things in my office cabinets, I came across one of my old spiral notebooks... filled with thoughts, notions, concepts and ideas. I write...record my thoughts...A LOT! It seems I’m not alone in this habit, either.

It doesn’t take too much digging to discover that most great people have kept a journal of one sort or another, but that’s not really what this is about. I’m talking about capturing your thoughts. Those fleeting, great ideas that you just KNOW you’re going to remember…until you try to remember them!

John Belushi, for instance, is a great example of what it means to harness our thoughts and concepts. One of the greatest comedians of our time, he recognized the importance of capturing those nuggets before they were gone. When ideas came, he wrote them down...on ANYTHING! He was known for bringing some of his best ideas to a formal meeting scrawled on scraps of paper, matchbooks and paper napkins. The genius in him knew that he could not let an idea get away, or it would be gone forever.

This practice has been advocated…and demonstrated…by such notables as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and more recently, Jim Rohn, who maintained that your legacy is made up of your library, your photographs, and your JOURNALS.

I’ve heard it said that ideas are like slippery fish...if you don’t catch them, they get away. Understand that when an idea comes, you must capture it somehow. So...


Grab a pen...a pencil...some writing utensil...write it down! Get a journal, a spiral notebook, a legal pad, SOMETHING to capture the thoughts that are being given to YOU. Carry a small, pocket sized notepad or voice recorder and capture those thoughts before they’re gone for good. (It's been said that writing it down adds thinking to the thought, too)

Ideas are the beginning point of EVERYTHING. Nothing exists that was not first an idea. Success and failure both are born in ideas. No innovation or progress of any kind would have been possible without there first being an IDEA…a notion…a concept.

And remember…
"God does not give money...He gives concepts."
Joe Schroeder

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How can a 3 year old video help you today?? Find out...
MobileCrunch: "T-Mobile has been on an Android roll lately..." moves beyond Storage n the Cloud..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adobe Rushing to Fix Software Problem

According to the BBC’s website, Adobe has acknowledged that its software users may be vulnerable to hackers. The security issue opens Windows, Macintoch and Linux users to possible attack.

A “critical security flaw” in the Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash Player software can potentially allow hackers to take control of entire computer systems.*

As PDF document use has skyrocketed in recent years and some estimates suggest that 95% of computers worldwide have Flash Player installed, it seems that Adobe is everywhere being used by nearly everyone, making the fix an urgent issue for all of us.

Apple mogul, Steve Jobs, was reported to have criticized Adobe, citing issues similar to this one as the reason for his refusal to allow iPhones and iPads to view Adobe Flash animations and videos.

The sky is not falling, however.  To prevent hackers from gaining access, Adobe is urging that all users of its software products be certain that their anti-virus software is up to date.

*For a complete list of the affected software or to read the article in its entirety, click here

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tomorrow night..Free Training..Super Simple Marketing Psychology..for information go to
TONIGHT and EVERY Monday night we sing FREEDOM at the MILLION MIND MARCH 9:27 PM Eastern 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Microwave" Books?

It seems that technology has launched into warp speed at times, with information is coming at us from every direction at alarming rates.

Fast and furious, instant gratification is the name of the game.

The Internet has made it possible for all of us to research any idea, thought or concept that may cross our minds with a few key strokes and the click of a mouse.

Add iPads and Kindles, etc. to the mix, and it would seem that printed material is going the way of the Wooly Mammoth and Saber-toothed Tiger.

As a life long reader, however, I still prefer the look, feel and smell of a REAL book.

According to Alison Flood, writer for and former news editor of The Bookseller, it appears that I am not alone.

When the Espresso Book Machine made its debut at Blackwell’s Charing Cross Road branch in London, Ms. Flood heralded its arrival as the “biggest change for the literary world since Gutenberg invented his printing press more than 500 years ago.”

The implications for a machine that prints and binds over 500,000 titles on demand…and each in about 5 minutes…may signal the end to some of the frustrations we’ve all no doubt experienced when a particular book is out of stock or worse, out of print.

Andrew Hutchings, Blackwell's chief executive, believes this machine could change the bookselling industry by giving smaller shops the ability to compete with giants like, Barnes & Noble, etc.

My own memories of long hours spent in the “Reserve Stacks” at the university library because a much-needed text was no longer in print have flooded my mind since reading the article.

Some checking proved that indeed, of the 19 machines operating in the United States today, 13 of them are on college or university campuses.

I would think that it’s only a matter of time before the business community taps into this new technology and we begin to “Microwave Book” machines next to the Red Box video machine at our local grocery stores.

The impact on traditional book publishers and sellers is something only time will tell.

The article can be read in its entirety here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Think I'm Gonna ZAG!

My teacher told me repeatedly,
"The secret is...when everyone zigs...that's when you zag."

Sound advice

Why run an ad, make a video, write a note, or a blog post that's SOS-DD?

I know the answer...

"Because I have to keep putting myself/my business out there, Cathie!"

Agreed...but what good is "putting content out" if no one is watching, reading or picking up the phone?

How do you keep what you're putting out there relevant

How do you keep from looking/sounding like everyone else?


And while you're thinking about that, I've got another one for you...

It's Summertime!

Pool parties, BBQ's, vacations and sunny days at the beach head
most people's lists

Even most business owners

Historically, business slows down in the summer...
unless you own a season-specific business, that is.

So it's natural, right?  EVERYONE is taking it easy

After all, it's summer!!

But I'm not gonna do that.


Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with BBQ's, vacations...

I enjoy them, too!

Just not today

Today...I'm gonna work on building my business while others are slacking off

Today...I'm gonna tweek it here and set it up there while others are roasting hot dogs

Today...I'm gonna keep learning and feeding my mind the psychology of marketing while others are poolside reading the latest romance novel and working on their tan.

Today...I'm gonna ZAG!

When summer's over, I'll be ready.

I'll be ready for 2011 and beyond.

What about YOU?

Will you be ready when the pool closes for the season and the kids all go back to school?

Will you be ready when your tan starts to fade and the leaves start to fall?

NOW'S the time to prepare...ZAG while everyone else ZIGS!

If you don't learn Simple marketing principles and techniques...
If you don't learn the PSYCHOLOGY behind it all, well...

It doesn't matter how many systems, signs or widgets you buy...
How many leads you call, how much "new blood" you hire...
Or how many launches you take part in!!

Yes, I suppose you could keep doing what you've been doing

Keep zigging with everyone else...and hope something changes

Or ZAG with us...and CREATE your own changes!

Join Home and Small Business World every Tuesday evening this summer at 9:00 pm Eastern time

Take advantage of the FREE, Summer of Success- Super Simple Marketing course being offered by Diane Hochman and her team

You'll learn Super Simple, easy to implement techniques that can position you for Success by summer's end.

And did I mention it's free?? :)

For Information and to sign up to receive mp3's of the calls, go to

You CAN make this YOUR Summer of Success!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

FREE Marketing Training for home & small businesses ~ @hsbw 's SUPER-SIMPLE Marketing Series. Details at

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Diane Hochman's on a roll...Hop on the call NOW!! 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
The SUMMER OF SUCCESS starts today! Details at

Monday, May 31, 2010

Working through the summer is CRITICAL to your business...

Make this YOUR Summer of Success!

Home and Small Business owners...

Doesn't matter if you own a Florist Shop, Make Baby Toys
or sell products for a network marketing company...

We're Kicking off "The Summer of SUCCESS -
"Super SIMPLE Marketing Series" with Diane Hochman
and the Home and Small Business World team

Kick-Off is TUESDAY, JUNE 1st


Learn Why Working Hard This Summer
Is Critical to Your Business Success

GREAT TRAINING For Your Online or Offline Business.....
and it's FREE!

Details at

Or email 

ATTN: Home & Small Business owners...FREE marketing training
Summer of Success - Super Simple Marketing Courses begin THIS WEEK

Friday, May 28, 2010

Another $2000 Widget??

I don't think I've ever written a post quite like this one before, but I need to unload what's on my heart

You can read it or not...your choice

At least I'll be able to look myself in the mirror.

I don't know about you, but I'm noticing an increasing number of "launches" lately

New systems...New tools...

Now that's not a bad thing in itself, I mean, how else would the industry move forward, right?

But so many of them are positioning themselves as THE answer you've been waiting for...

You...and 3,000 others

We both know that in another 6 - 9 months, that same "guru" is gonna come out with another new system or widget designed to take your business to the next level quickly and easily

And they'll make you believe that you just HAVE to have that one, too!

A couple grand every six months...and nothing changes

Not for you, it doesn't

At least not long-term.

Let's be fair here...

Many of the systems and tools WORK and work well...

IF you know HOW to use them!

All we need do is look at Eben Pagan, Ann Seig, Mike Dillard, Frank Kern, etc...

But it seems like it's only a select few, though, doesn't it?

Is it possible they know something that's giving them that edge??

They do

Actually, a few things...

First of all, there is no "magic bullet" one "system" (or person, for that matter) that can guarantee anything

Everyone "knows" that.

Even YOU admit that out loud one minute and pull your credit card out the next (me, too!)


Because there are principles that, when understood and applied, can have people eating out of your hand EVERY TIME

I'm talking about real Marketing Principles, people...

NOT how to use the Internet to annoy everyone you come in contact with...

But rather

Solid...time honored...been around since the dawn of time...

Based on human psychology


Now here comes the part that you won't like...

It takes WORK, TIME and EFFORT to learn the "code" behind it all

Success is not gonna fall into your lap because you shelled out another two grand!!

Study the industry and learn from those who've "made it".

NOT what they're doing now...

Find out what they did WHEN THEY STARTED

If you're not willing to take the time to learn the basic psychology of marketing...and most people WON'T...

Then be prepared to pull out your credit card again in a few months for the newest "system" that's launching.

And when nothing's changed and you're BROKE...

Remember that I TRIED to warn you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contain Yourself!

We're all vessels…

Containers of what we put into (or allow into) ourselves.

"As a Man (or woman) thinketh..."

Picture, if you will, a large, earthen jar…

Imagine it filled to the rim with clean, pure water

So full, that even the slightest movement
will cause the water to spill over

Now picture a second jar filled with a dark,
smelly, murky sludge

Which would YOU be more willing to carry?

And so it is with us…

We "spill over" onto all those we come into contact with.

Filled with greed, self-centeredness, negativity, etc..
we repel those we come in contact with...quickly, I might add!

Filled with pure thoughts, wisdom and understanding…

With LOVE...

People flock to us to "drink in" what's spilling out of us

We understand there will be times when we come across
someone who is so parched…so THIRSTY…

That we need to empty ourselves so they might live.

And so we MUST.

But the GLORIOUS FACT is that Nature abhors a vacuum

So the more we empty ourselves for the sake of others

The more we ourselves will be filled again with





The TRUE essence of God.

"What you do for other people, God does for you."
~ J. L. Schroeder

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ever notice that when you stretch, you reach for the sky?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lost FIVE pounds in two weeks! No "diet", no pills, no special products. Just Doership! :)
Can YOU handle the Truth??

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fred the Baker's Got MOJO!!

Who's Fred the Baker?  You know Fred...

He's the Dunkin Donuts man!

I'm tellin' you, this guy really has it going on!!!

His alarm goes off at 3:30 a.m.
and there's but one thought on his mind...

"Time to make the donuts"

"Bet the guys who make the supermarket donuts are still in bed"
He knows he's DIFFERENT

"Plain donuts aren't enough. Five kinds..."
He's committed to OVER-DELIVERING

And his "Good Morning, Folks" smile shows reveals that he
LOVES his work!


Laser focus
Quality and Over Delivering
Loves what he does

The mindset of the successful

It's no wonder "America Runs on Dunkin"


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quick Opt- Tip

Are you building a list with one of the autoresponders like AWeber?

I was reminded of something today that's saved me sooo much time and headache!! 

So if you don't know about this one...

ALWAYS opt-in to your own lists. 


Simple, yet such a great tool! 

That way, you'll know EXACTLY what's going on...

What your subscribers will see
Check links to be sure they are working correctly
Get the "feel" of your autoresponder/follow up letters, etc. 

I can't tell you how many times this simple habit
of mine has saved me. 

I suggest doing this before promoting your page "out there".

Better than someone trying to opt-in and not being able to
or clicking on a link that's not working!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Look at wildflowers, how they grow...
They simply ARE!

The sea, the sun, the stars and the moon
Just ARE...and what service they give!

How often do we, the "intelligent life" on this planet
PREVENT OURSELVES from accomplishing our divine assignment...

The purpose for which we were born...

Because we scurry around like so many ants
under a magnifying glass

Running, to and fro...doing...doing...doing...

Doing what????
Consumed by ego and self
We spend days...weeks...even LIFETIMES
Expending great energy to be consistent and useful

Ah, be somehow USEFUL!

And so??

So consider those who influence us most

Influence doesn't come from those who force their
conversations on us

Nor does it come from those who laud their feigned
superiority over us comes from those who live their lives like
the stars in the heavens and
the wildflowers along the side of the road

Those who live before us authentically and unaffectedly...
Are solidly connected to the Source...
Who simply BE

Look at wildflowers, how they grow...
They simply ARE!

The sea, the sun, the stars and the moon

Just ARE..

and what SERVICE they give!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Diane Hochman Exposed the Shocking Truth

Last night's "Webinar Gone Wild" blew everyone's socks off!!

If you were there, you KNOW what I'm talking about

Diane was...well...Diane!

Telling it like it is...not pulling any punches

She detailed what she says is "the biggest mind virus that's
impacting people in the home and small business industry" and
explained why "good, honest, decent people are being ROBBED of the livelihoods that they are trying SO HARD to make. "

If you missed problem

Get the Recording Here

You'll hear:

  • Just how PERVASIVE this "mind virus" is
  • The 5 Major Categories that struggling home and small business owners fall into
  • The PROBLEMS home and small business owners UNKNOWINGLY create for themselves and how to CORRECT them

Chances are, you'll discover the very thing that's blocking your progress

Get the Recording Here
But WAIT! I'm including a Bonus...

And no, it's not 4 free steak knives! LOL

As soon as I'm notified of your confirmed request, not only will you have instant access to the audio from last night...

I will send you 3 BONUS training audios;

1. "Are You Building Your Business Backward?"
2. Diane Hochman's renowned "Cockroach Marketing" and
3. THE Open House Training everyone's buzzing about (with a surprise caller)
So what are you waiting for?

Get the Recording Here
But you'd better duct tape your socks on first!

PS&BTW...My passion is to serve YOU, the home and small business owner, and these audio trainings are offered in that spirit. Register for my news and tips to get the latest updates from Home and Small Business World. We have some really COOL stuff coming very soon!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Joe Schroeder's "Conquering Chief" ebook
FREE download:

Joe Schroeder

Impossible is not a word...It's just a reason for someone not to try ~ Kutless

What Faith Can Do

A friend shared this song with me yesterday




Everybody falls sometimes
You gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think its more than you can take
But you're stronger, stronger than you know

And don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
Thats what faith can do

It doesn't matter what you've heard
Impossible is not a word
It's just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody's scared to death
You may decide to take that step
Out on the water
But it'll be all right

Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

Overcome the odds
When you don't have a chance
(Thats what faith can do)
When the world says you can't
It will tell you that it can

"What Faith Can Do" by Kutless from the album, "It Is Well"


Did You Miss the Open House?

All I can say is WOW!

Diane's open house was fantastic!!

If you were there, you KNOW what I'm talking about

A genuine infomercial ROCK STAR jumped on the
call and shared some of her marketing expertise!!

It was GREAT!!!!!!

If you MISSED it

No Worries!

We recorded it for you


Friday, May 7, 2010

Holy Cannolis! An Infomercial ROCK STAR hopped on Diane Hochman's Open house call...40 minutes left..hop on!! 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
Don't forget...Diane Hochman's Open House 11:00 am TODAY!!
Diane Hochman Open House

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Truth About Training with Diane Hochman

I happened to stumble upon Diane Hochman in April of 2009.

One year later, what, if anything, has changed?


Friday, April 30, 2010

You Can't Fight Natural Law

We had the most amazing PRIVATE CALL with Joe Schroeder, Diane Hochman and the gang at the Million Mind March yesterday afternoon...

But the call was MEMBERS ONLY
So I can't reveal all that was said

What I WILL talk about is a CONCEPT we discussed...



Natural Law is Natural Law

It's not "new age"

Nor is it "magic"

It's as OLD as the hills...



Drop something, it falls down...ALWAYS!

That's called gravity

That's called Natural Law

Slam on the brakes when you're driving, everything jerks forward
(including the groceries that WERE on the back seat)

That's called inertia

That's called Natural Law

You've heard of The Prince and the Pauper
Even though they traded places,
They could not BECOME the other...

They could not stop being WHO they were!

That, too, is Natural Law

And so it is.

The burger flipper wins the lottery and a year later, is out of money and back flipping burgers

And the convenience store clerk cannot stop thinking about being RELEVANT and can be found secretly reading the Bible, autobigraphies of great people and the writings of Emmerson and Marcus Aurelius Caesar.

They spend their spare time on conference calls learning how to find and BE their best, authentic self.

You see, the Mohammed Ali's of the world MUST live out the GREATNESS they were born with.

Nature does what Nature DOES

Nature CORRECTS itself

This video shows what can happen in two short seasons...

Discover who you were born to be
and just BE

YOU win...

Because Nature Corrects Itself...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Diane Hochman LIVE! How thinking like a cockroach can change your business. 2 pm est TODAY 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#

Update 5/1/10:
Did you miss the call?
No worries!
Get the recording here


Monday, April 26, 2010

Come Hang Out With Joe & the Gang at The Million Mind March! Tonight @ 9:27 pm est 641-594-7000 PIN 600088# And Don't Forget Your Notebook!
By Demand--One of Diane Hochman's BEST-- "Cockroach Marketing" - Learn to SURVIVE! Training Call Tues @ 2 pm est 414 944-0004 PIN 9774024

BE Where You Are

You’re working on building your dream

“They” call it a small business or home business…

but it’s YOUR DREAM

Independence, freedom…the lifestyle that you’ve always wanted.

You’ve been working at it for months…maybe years…yet you notice…

While you’re at your computer, or writing, or reading an article, you find your mind drifting…

Thinking about yesterday’s disappointments, things you need to get at the grocery store later today, or the appointment you have tomorrow, or a movie, a song, your spouse, your kids…or your 8th grade science teacher!

You get on the computer to “get some serious work done” and before you know it, you’ve spent an hour and a half (or longer) following some rabbit trail. Don’t forget where that got Alice!

You start one thing…start a second thing…start a third thing…

None of them get done

Nothing gets accomplished

There is no forward movement

You feel stuck and start to think about giving up

You look for “help” and find something that sounds good to you

So you spend good money on a course, a book or a system

NOW you’re on your way!!

Then when you’re at your computer, or writing, or reading, you find your mind drifting…thinking about yesterday’s disappointments, things you need to get at the grocery…

Time to get real…be honest with yourself.

It’s not the tool, or the system, or the book…

It’s YOU!

Not the “who-you-are-as-a-person” you, but rather your focus, your ability to BE in the present moment (or apparent lack thereof)

Does that mean you should give up?


You can train your mind to be totally present to where you are, what you are doing and what you’re experiencing.

The late, great Mr. Jim Rohn said,
“We go through the day rather than getting something from the day. We are everywhere at any given moment in time except living in that moment in time.”

Learn to be wherever you are. Focus on each moment, extracting everything that moment has to offer. Don’t let yourself be distracted by yesterday and tomorrow…today is slipping by.

It can be hard work, and it takes discipline, because our minds tend to “go back” to repeated thinking patterns (topic for another day), but you can develop the lifestyle of BEing in the moment. Some examples…

  • Someone is talking to you…LISTEN to each word they are saying and really absorb the message
  • Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed for several minutes…listen to the SILENCE (hint: great thoughts can come to you during this exercise…WRITE THEM DOWN)
  • Watch a sunset…notice where the sun is in the sky, how quickly it sets, the colors it creates, how those colors change, etc.
  • Look at a painting…really LOOK at it, noticing the colors, the details and allow yourself to be drawn into it.

Above all, don’t beat on yourself when you find yourself drifting. It’s going to take time, and as I mentioned, discipline, to train your mind to really focus.

The good news is you can do CAN DO it...YOU CAN DO IT!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WHAT a call last night! Packed out line..great lesson and some GREAT hot-seat coaching...catch the replay...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don't forget...Love call tonight for all my home & small business buddies! Are You Building Your Business Backwards...
Don't forget..@DianeHochman is back LIVE! Tonight at 8 est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# Are You building YOUR business backwards??

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She's baaack!! LIVE! @DianeHochman - Are YOU building your business backwards? Find out Wed. eve at 8 pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
@DianeHochman asks - Are YOU building your business backwards? Find out Wed. eve at 8 pm est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024#
It's been awhile, but @DianeHochman is doing a live call tomorrow night! 8 p est 414-944-0004 PIN 9774024# You DON'T want to miss it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Joe Schroeder and the Million Mind March Open freedom revival call 9:27 Est...1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088# Dial in now!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The vessel carries what's put into it. You're filling yours with...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

And You Thought the Dreaded Google Paper Trail was Intimidating??

For some time now, my friend, Diane Hochman, has been warning Internet marketers and home business owners about the "Dreaded Google Paper Trail"...and rightfully so!

Everything we've ever endorsed or been involved with online is held in cyberspace just waiting for someone to type our name into that search box.

And if that weren't enough to think about...

Yesterday it was announced that Twitter's ENTIRE ARCHIVE will be housed at the Library of Congress.

According to the article written by Dan Hope, Tech News Daily Staff Writer at
"The U.S. Library of Congress, which archives many forms of media for their cultural and historical significance, has announced it will keep a digital archive of every public tweet that has been broadcast on Twitter since its inception in March 2006."
Remember when you tweeted what you were having for dinner?

Or that you were eating two pints of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia and watching reruns of Gilligan's Island?

How about the time you Tweeted what you really thought of your boss/girlfriend/mother-in-law?

In the back of our minds, we kind of knew that there was an "archive" somewhere...

But we were lulled into a sense of safety as we hid behind our computer monitors and iPhones.

What you type, post, upload and agree to on the Internet really DOES matter!

What's revealed when someone types your name into a search box?

What kind of image are YOU projecting?

Be aware of how you conduct yourself on the Internet.

Now more than ever, it has far-reaching consequences...

So be careful out there!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some Things Bear Repeating...

My friend, Don Hamilton, posted a comment on FaceBook last week that prompted some lively chatter on the Milk and Cookies Marketing group discussion board.

Then just the other day, I was talking to a friend and the same subject came up.

Recorded a quick audio for you...cause some things just bear repeating

Monday, April 12, 2010

Joe Schroeder + Marcus! 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

A Lesson From Nature

You've no doubt heard, "If you build it, they will come..."

What about the other side of that coin?

What if you stop building...stop tending to or caring for?

Doesn't matter if you're procrastinating on your daily task list or taking someone for granted...lack of action takes a toll.

As I was walking along what used to be the beach where my children and I played when they were little, it occurred to me that there's a lesson in nature that teaches the result of inattention or neglect.

Just a little each day...
Call Tonight
A lesson from nature...
We ARE who we choose to BE.

Friday, April 9, 2010

If you do away with the yoke of oppression…satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness ~ Isaiah

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just re-read a post from a year ago on my "other" blog...some things just remain true, don't they?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

God's smiling. Goodnight, John-Boy, Goodnight Moon...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I spent yesterday afternoon at Lake Erie playing with the bunnies and deer and beaver...
and the geese and the cranes...the red-winged blackbirds and the herons...
the red tail hawks and even a Bald Eagle!

And the birds and the bees and the trees and the streams...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Forgiveness comes from an open heart & it comes without conditions...or it does not come at all. (from the movie "Amish Grace")
WooHoo! It's National Black Forest Cake Day!! Grab a slice!!! :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's a Chicken Soup Kind of Day

It's a rainy day here in Northwest Ohio.

The kind of day that begs for a soft blanket, a good book...
and a bowl of Chicken Soup.

If you're anything like me, you spend most of your time taking care of the "things that need to be done"

You've got your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) written out and it rules every moment of your day.

It's the job stuff, the business stuff, the family stuff, the friends stuf...

And there's the emails, the blog posts, the special projects, the appointments, the conference calls...

I was talking to a dear friend this morning about my "crashing" for a day or so and SHE called it taking care of herself. Go figure!

That got me to thinking...

Why is it that us "Type A" personalities seem to put taking care of ourselves so low on our list of priorities?

Many of us glibly quote people such as the late, great Mr. Jim Rohn: "Work harder on yourself than you do on your business", and yet do we?

Doesn't "working" on ourselves include treating ourselves well?

Do we spend the time we need to nurture ourselves so we have the STRENGTH to grow?

It's not only a matter of taking time off once in awhile, but rather caring ABOUT yourself enough to care FOR yourself.

Eat well

Exercise well

Read well

Pray well

Play well

Rest well

Feed yourself "Chicken Soup" in every area of your life.

Food for thought (no pun intended)

As for me, I'm making Chicken Soup today!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's National Chip and Dip Day! What's your favorite?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Affordable new service for small business owners and

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Things Get Scary...

How many times have you truly been enticed out of your comfort zone into a place that's scary? What is your response?

I've learned that most often (make that always) REAL opportunity brings with it a major risk and deciding to "take the plunge" can be compared with jumping off a cliff without a parachute.

Today, I'm faced with one of "those" decisions and paraphrase the words of Edward Teller...

it's my time to step into the darkness of the unknown. My faith knows that one of two things shall happen: Either I will be given something solid to stand on or grow wings and taught to fly.
30 Year old Arbonne Int'l emerges from financial restructuring

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anyone claiming to be a leader should be judged by his scoreboard and not by his self-proclamations. ~ Orrin Woodward
I uploaded a YouTube video -- It's Official...Spring is Here!

didja hear?

Have you ever heard something that rang so true in the middle of you that you had to share it with everyone you knew?

It happens all the time, right?

Well, Monday night I was listening to Joe Schroeder on our
live conference call and he said something that moved me so

As usual, the call began with a bunch of hellos and laughter (and
downright silliness), but settled into yet another AMAZING training

Joe spoke about the Power of the Tongue, and if
you missed it (or want to hear it again) click this link

But here's the thing...

The "lesson inside the lesson" Monday night really spoke to my heart

If you're anything like me, you have had more than one stop and start in this business.

Ever wonder why you couldn't just "let go" of the notions, dreams and visions in your head?

I have...plenty of times

Joe Schroeder answered that question in the middle of his teaching on the power of our words. So I made this clip...

Those dreams, visions and notions are there for a reason...

There is something you were BORN to do
And it HAS to come true!

So smile and say "Halleluiah!"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our newest little one will make her debut tomorrow! Pretty excited!! Watch for updates/pictures!! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Things Never Change...

I was looking through some old pictures and was impressed that
some things about us never change

Physical features, body type, hair color and even
eye color can change (it's true!)

But the essence of WHO we are...
The core of our BEING doesn't change.
It's who we were CREATED to be that I'm talking about here.

For Example...

I have been singing for as long as I can remember
It's part of who I am...part of what makes me, ME




I have a PASSION for music...for singing...
always have...always will!

And that's only one side of the multi-faceted person
God created to be me.

We all have passions that are the core of our very being

Sadly, we have been "socialized" into silence, inaction and stagnation.

"They" give us their notion of who we should be...
what we should do...what our income should be...
how we should live...

Then put us in a box

And there we stay...

Enslaved by the desires they fed us

Chained by their approval

And if we try to break free...

We're told









So we might settle for a mediocre life

even what they call "successful"

but only for a season

Because there's that SOMETHING in the middle of us that we've always wanted to do...

That we NEED to do...

That something that we know we were BORN for!

What's yours?

You KNOW it's's always been there

Think about yourself at knew then


Just get quiet and LISTEN to your HEART

Then join us who've BROKEN FREE

We're waiting to CELEBRATE YOU!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Talked about this in our Thurs Immersion group with Diane Hochman I'm not your competition...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just want to wish my childhood friends, Lois and Linda Bernacki a very Happy 60th Birthday...wherever you are...have an amazing day!!
May take some time initially, but this is gonna save me HOURS!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Get Rich...NO Work, NO Effort...

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that
emails like this are so popular...

"If you delete it - you will beg! - seeing is believing.


This is a money angel. Pass it to 6 of your good friends or family and be rich
in 4 days. Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 days.
I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall.
If you delete it, you will beg. Trust me!!!"

Much like the lottery, you know...

Folks looking for a way to "get RICH"

"Don't want to have to work hard"
(or even work, for that matter)

Sad, really. Don't you think?

You know...

Someone once said,

"To become a RICH man,
you must first THINK a rich man's THOUGHT."

It's difficult to picture Donald TRUMP, Bill GATES, or
Paula DEEN getting out of bed in the morning EXCITED
about which lottery game they were going to play that day...

or the good luck emails that they'd been forwarding.

No, I don't think so.

Successful people have a PASSION in their gut...

Some call it BELLY FIRE

Their focus is on what they LOVE

And what they love... becomes their LIFETYLE

75% of you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about

and that's OK

But the other 25%...

You can't stop thinking about your PASSION...

Not even for one day!!!

You lay awake at night...staring at the ceiling thinking about it

Something in the middle of you just KNOWS that you KNOW!!

You've been asking God to HELP you...

To ANSWER your prayer...

To send you something...SOMEONE to show you the way

Someone who truly UNDERSTANDS...

For YOU...

For those who KNOW what I'm talking about...

I'm holding out my hand...

Go here ...NOW!

Get the FREE stuff.

Begin turning your passion into your lifestyle...

And take the path you were BORN to walk!

Cathie Heath

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ever Sit and Stare?

You know you're supposed to be "creating value"...

That it's IMPORTANT to make sure you get
content out there...

But do you ever feel like a PHONEY cause you're throwing
together blogs, articles, videos, etc. just for the sake of

Ever sit at your computer, stare at the screen and groan,
"Ohmygosh...what the heck am I going to put out there TODAY?"

Consider this...

When you have something to say...SAY IT!

When you don't...DON'T!!

(I did a video about that awhile back that you can see here)

Let's be HONEST here...

You can spend your time scouring OTHER PEOPLE'S blogs, articles

and videos for something you can tweek a bit to make it LOOK LIKE YOURS...


You can honestly spend time feeding YOUR MIND and become your own


So now you're wondering how to do that...

  • Have an open mind

  • Be willing to spend time DAILY reading and learning material that fosters growth

  • Set aside a period of quiet for reflection and RECORDING your thoughts

  • ALWAYS carry a book or tablet to write in wherever you go to record the ideas that "come to you"

Try it for 30 days...

I think you'll SURPRISE yourself!

Click here for a free booklet to help get you started

Here's a sample of what you'll find inside:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Zen of it All...

Mark Joyner shared this story with me and I think it goes well with this video.

Just food for thought...

A zen master and his student were watching a
fox chase a rabbit.

The Zen Master asked, "Who will win?"

The student replied, "Master, of course the fox
will win, he is much faster than the rabbit and has
sharp teeth."

"No" replied the master. "The rabbit will win. The
fox is running for a meal. The rabbit is running
for his life."

What are YOU running for?

Connect to the Source of energy, run for your life, you'll
overcome every obstacle and reap the harvest.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Believe it or not...I'm NOT Pitching You!!

Had a lovely conversation with a long-time friend in the industry
about The Million Mind March yesterday (we're both members)

Talked about how much we want to share the loverage
with those we care about....

Both of us baffled because colleagues and friends
just blow us off.

I guess when you hang around this industry for awhile you begin
to think that everyone is trying to pitch their deal to you.

Well, I'm here to say that's not always the case.....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Joe Schroeder Whispered in My Ear

What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear?

(I don't know, Cathie...I've heard he's harsh)


You misunderstand.

He's speaking the Language of Kings

And he speaks TO Kings & Queens
who HEAR his word in the core of their being

And what it is...

is ruthless compassion.


What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear??

If you're smart...

The thousand voices in your head are silenced one by one...

and you're left with yourself.


And aware that you are dangerously safe.

You discover that the answer you've been searching for
has always been with you...

Because the answer IS you!

And you fall deeply in love...


What do you do if Joe Schroeder whispers in your ear??

If you're listen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Time!

It's time for US...the "little people"

The truck drivers, housewives, waitresses, janitors...

It's time for us to draw a line in the sand, rise up,
train our minds and learn about the leadership in

It's time for US!!

Listen to this clip from last night's live training call...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two Trainings on One Call...Why Self Help Books Don’t Work & YOU can Become a Blackbelt Marketer

If you missed the Million Mind March call for Monday,
January 25th, you missed a bonifide double-header!

Two masters, Joe Schroeder AND Diane Hochman

Gave TWO AMAZING trainings!!


Another crazy offer including an MLM Makeover
from Diane Hochman!

Hurry …offer ends on Sunday the 31st.